
BREAKING: Tim Kaine Reveals Inside Information About Iran Ransom Operation

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For much of the past week, the news has been filled with stories about the $400 million that was secretly paid to Iran around the time four American hostages were released in January.

Donald Trump and many Republicans have stated that this was a ransom payment, while President Barack Obama and other administration officials have insisted that it was just bad timing.

Breitbart reported that Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential pick, recently did an interview with NBC where he essentially admitted that the money was paid as part of the ransom for the hostages — directly contradicting the White House narrative.

Apparently, Democratic vice presidents are just incapable of not causing headaches for their running mates.

“Chuck, here is the only thing new about this. This arrangement, the settlement of a claim with Iran, the payment of a portion of that settlement, hostages coming home, thank God. This was briefed to Congress and the American public months ago,” said Kaine.

Obama has insisted that money was part of the Iranian nuclear deal, but Kaine implied that the money was part of the settlement over the hostages.

“The first one is there was a legitimate claim against the United States. The United States bargained it down to a fraction. We’re making claims in international tribunals and we are having claims made against us all the time. We bargained it down to a fraction and paid a portion of the claim, and we got hostages home,” he continued.

Apparently having Americans arrested in Iran for no other reason than being American is a “legitimate claim” according to Kaine.

(via: Conservative Tribune)

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