

Elon Musk Makes Stunning Comment That COVID Vax Nearly Killed Him

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Elon Musk revealed Saturday on Twitter that he had “major side effects” from his second booster shot and felt like he “was dying” for several days.

“I had major side effects from my second booster shot,” Musk told Dilbert creator Scott Adams. “Felt like I was dying for several days. Hopefully, no permanent damage, but I dunno.”

“And my cousin, who is young & in peak health, had a serious case of myocarditis,” Musk continued. “Had to go to the hospital.”

Musk said he caught the original covid-19 virus before any vaccines came out and “it was basically a mild cold.”

Nonetheless, when the shots came out he got the J&J shot “with no bad effects” then got an mRNA booster. The second mRNA booster he took “crushed” him.

Musk made the comments in response to a Rasmussen poll which found that 7 percent of Americans adults believe they experienced “major side effects” from the covid shots.

Pfizer’s original trial found that 3.8% of participants who got the vax experienced a “Grade 3 adverse event,” which is defined as severe and preventing daily activity.

There was zero long-term testing of any of vaccines because they were all rushed out for “emergency use.”

Pfizer encouraged the placebo group in their trial to get their vax so no long-term testing on the shots could be done.

Nonetheless, there’s a growing body of evidence indicating the shots weaken people’s immune systems, cause cardiovascular issues and leave people prone to reinfection.

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1 year ago

And here I was thinking you just might be smart enough NOT to fall for the vaccine bullsh*t. Got that wrong didn’t I?

If you’re looking for sympathy, you’re barking up the wrong tree!

Rex Kittle
Rex Kittle
1 year ago
Reply to  Rose

There was something fishy about what was going on in the drug corp’s about that time that got me into this scam and found out what was going on in the Philippines which no one was talking about. Besides I have been on Coconut Oil for many years before this all happened and after investigating I found out it was about money and control. To ALL Americans stop getting VACCINES, they do not work for everyone and they can KILL YOU !

Rex Kittle
Rex Kittle
1 year ago

Many years ago one Drug CEO told the press this “We can not beat nature” and he was right ! YOU do not need a vaccine to kill the Covid-19 virus. And you don’t need a vaccine to kill the SARS or Shingles virus. All you need to do is go to your grocery store and buy a jar of Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. Add this oil to your diet everyday of your life to get ALL the health benefits this oil has to give and it KILLS the Covid-19 virus. More than 70% of this oil comes from the Philippines and they COOK their food in this oil. In late December of 2019 people in the Philippines did die. Who died ? It was teens and young adults who died but why only them and not others ? Because they got hooked on American fast food, none of that food is cooked in coconut oil. All you have to do is get it inside your body and nature will the rest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

J & J didn’t require a booster shot! It was a one and done vaccine!
My hubby was forced to get the vaccine to keep his job, so he got the J & J without any complications or side effects at all! No further boosters needed.
Me, I’m still a pure blood, even after being hospitalized with covid back in October 2022.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lnp

They have never isolated the Covid virus, you’ve been spun a lie. Didn’t you notice in 2020 and 2021 the Flu completely evaporated into Covid numbers? In 2017 in Australia more people died from the Flu then than Covid and there were no lockdowns in 2017, masks etc. We’ve all been lied to.

1 year ago

Does anybody believe that the 12/21/2020 live TV jab that Biden took, saying he was looking forward to the second shot, to convince US that the vaccine was safe was really the COVID vaccine? Does anyone really believe that a president elect to be the leader of the free world would really be given an experimental vaccine?

1 year ago
Reply to  Eagle

Biden and ALL of congress, Pfizer Moderna etc were NOT mandated to take the vaccine. What does that tell you. Bidet’s vaccine was all smoke and mirrors.

1 year ago

It was simple for me. I had it and had no symptoms, so I felt I didn’t need any “vaccine”. Caught it again, or tested positive again with no symptoms. So even with so many telling me to get the vaccine, I relied on my own judgment and didn’t feel that I needed to. I still feel that way, and I have no intentions of taking the risk of getting it either.

Jan Shaw
1 year ago

I can’t believe Elon Musk fell for the vax scam. What was he thinking? Not a lot, obviously. The guy’s supposed to be a genius???!!!

1 year ago

All I know is I felt the 2nd pfizer shot go through my body like when I had contrast for medical test. Later I could hardly get off the couch The fatigue was so bad and it still seems to he effecting me 2 years later. The doctors refuse to believe you. But my sarcoidosis is active again, Sjrogrens is active and I’m still very sick. I also have aortic valve stenosis, as does my mom who is in her mid 80’s, she was told she has less than 2 years to live if she doesn’t have it replaced and thet don’t know if she would even survive the surgery.