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The Democrats Have A Sick (And Likely Illegal) Plan To Circumvent Abortion Laws

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The Democrats will let no laws stand in their way from making sure women can murder their own babies.

After Roe v. Wade was overturned, Democrats vowed to use taxpayer funds to erect abortion tent camps on federally owned land and offer free late-term abortions to everyone who requests one.

Senator Elizabeth Warren told a Washington Post reporter that the Biden administration has agreed to build pop up abortion clinics in national parks across the country.

Unfortunately, this is not satire. Imagine, you are taking a stroll in a park and as you turn the corner a huge federal government abortion tent towers over you. reports: New York Dems want to establish a fund to get women from elsewhere to travel to get abortions:

Meanwhile, Democrats in St. Louis want to use taxpayer-funded COVID relief money to fund access to abortions:

What next? All aboard the government abortion bus?

Democrats clearly have no intention of adhering to the Supreme Court ruling and intend to act unconstitutionally.

Nancy Pelosi has called the SCOTUS an “extremist” institution:

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david russell
david russell
2 years ago

Anyone who wants an abortion should know right away and thus everywhere except where it’s totally banned will permit women to abort, as long as they make up their minds quickly. And abortion pills sent by mail are the answer for those in states with total bans.

Note: I have no problem with early abortion — before the fetus’s heart beat, say. I’m opposed to late term abortion except where the mother’s life is at risk.

King Martel Baker
2 years ago
Reply to  david russell

And that is so rare its a made up excuse

2 years ago

How many folks are disappeared in National Parks each year? Too Many. The PArks refuse to say just how many people are taken in the Parks. This way they are bringing the “food to the lazy ones” who disappear folks in National Parks. They won’t have to hunt for food anymore.

2 years ago

Free, late term abortions should only be performed in a hospital as they are extremely dangerous for the mother…but yet that stupid Warren thinks it’s llike going to get a haircut or a manicure!!! She is a clueless DEM idiot.

2 years ago

Yeah Problem there is, the federal government is Not allowed to own land outside of Washington DC.
You better reread your copy of the constitution?