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Democrat’s Red Flag Laws Just Ended With Police Killing An Innocent Senior Citizen, Proving They Are NOT The Solution To Gun Crime

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Police officers were attempting to implement Maryland’s new red flag law and, during the process of trying to confiscate a citizen’s weapon, shot and killed the elderly man when he grew enraged after they tried taking his pistol.

The police reported that two officers were serving what Maryland calls an Extreme Risk Protective Order, which is essentially a red flag law. It’s a protective order in Maryland that requires police to remove the firearms from a residence.

According to Sgt. Jacklyn David of the Anne Arundel County Police Department, the department involved in the shooting, “protective orders to confiscate guns can be requested by family members, law enforcement officers, and mental health specialists.”

The man living at the address had no interest in giving up his firearms and, when police knocked, he had a weapon ready near the entrance to the house.

The officers then proceeded to try to serve the Extreme Risk Protective Order and Willis, the suspect and man living at the address, reached for his weapon, as could be expected of someone whos private property is being taken, even if by the police.

A scuffle then ensued in which he fired the handgun and the second officer started firing, hitting Willis and killing him. He was pronounced dead on the scene.

No officers or other individuals were injured or killed in the encounter, which was the ninth red flag law incident handled by the Anne Arundel County Police Department so far.

According to People’s Law, Maryland created Red Flag Laws in 2018:

Effective October 1, 2018, Maryland has extreme risk protective orders, which is a court order that temporarily requires a person to surrender any firearms or ammunition to law enforcement and not purchase or possess firearms or ammunition. Some people refer to this as a “red flag” law.

The incident is more important and relevant now than ever because, recently, a group of bipartisan senators agreed to a gun control framework that would include, if passed, funding for state red flag laws.

Specifically, the framework provides for “Major funding to help states pass and implement crisis intervention orders (red flag laws) that will allow law enforcement to temporarily take dangerous weapons away from people who pose a danger to others or themselves.”

The Republicans involved in agreeing to that are Cornyn, Tillis, Blunt, Burr, Cassidy, Collins, Graham, Portman, Romney, Toomey.

Though such laws are preferred as a solution to school shootings because people would, theoretically, have their guns taken from them before they could commit such a horrific crime, many doubt that the laws would be effective and argue that they would likely be instead used to disarm dissidents.

Further, such laws essentially involve the taking of a citizen’s property without due process, an attack on property rights.

And this case in Maryland is how they have the potential to end: people being shot because they don’t want to hand over their personal property and means of protection from violent crime.

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Dave Huff
Dave Huff
2 years ago

The police are not on “our” side……


2 years ago
Reply to  Dave Huff

Same goes for the above RINO’s

John BlowD
John Blow
2 years ago

STUPID man got into a wrestling match with loaded guns on both sides with Police doing their job! When they were faced with a belligerent individual they should have ‘BACKED OFF’ and brought in professional negotiators to deal with him and defuse the situation! No question, Police have a job to do but they need training on how to do it and not act like ‘Cowboys‘ in confrontational situations.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Blow


Leland Roth
Leland Roth
2 years ago
Reply to  John Blow

Police doing their job? Accordion to whom? Police need to denounce this illegal gun confiscation bs…

2 years ago
Reply to  John Blow

Where were the social worker that are supposed to be there if they thought this man had a mental problem. Where was the family. And who reported him? This is as tragic as it gets. Red law bullshit.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Blow

THOSE HERO”S AS YOU CALL THEM WERE COMMITING “TREASON”.they were given an OATH TO PROTECT THE PEOPLES RIGHTS AND FREEDOM,instead their killing anyone who resists being TERRORIZED BY THEM…to bad he wasn’t able to kill all of those devils

2 years ago

I carry on my property every day. If this were to happen here, I wouldn’t miss when shooting at commie cops!!! BE WARNED!!!!! I WILL NOT TURN MY WEAPONS IN TO ANYONE!!!!!!!!!! i will end any official that tries to take my private property, and i will not back down. i will put a bullet in anyone who tries to steal and harm my private property!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

This is the gestopo, people stand up and fight now. They pass this law and we are doomed to be the next China. God help this nation and these rotten rhino bast**ds. At 80 I would not give up my right to bear arms. This is pure communism and I know the history. Republicans you better worry about 2022 elections, you are not going to win unless you fight harder.

2 years ago

The Supreme Court is going to have to decide on this one. I just wonder how many people are going to be killed or injured before they do?

2 years ago

Was there a court order proclaiming the man to be a danger to himself or the community?
If not then they had no right to seize his protection. Cops are total shit and totally worthless

Belinda BoundreauD
Belinda Boundreau
2 years ago

If we don’t exterminate the khazjeu and its minions, then we don’t deserve a nation or to live. Yes, DJT is a ‘judas goat’, one oversized vaudeville act orchestrated by the khazjeu abomination

Dr John
Dr John
2 years ago

Red Flag laws are weapons that can be illegally used by anyone to have someone’s gun removed. Four years ago I was FRAMED by the police as they assaulted my home with guns drawn under a order of lethal and near lethal force, meaning they had the right to KILL me. Unarmed I faced 8 officers with guns drawn. Without conversation that tased me with 50,000 volts 4 times, physically knocked me to the ground and tased me another 8 times while buried under numerous officers. I was cuffed and injured from the attack. They forced me into a hospital psych. ward under more lies.

What had I done. I had, with others used CIVIL means to remove criminal elected officials that were stealing millions of dollars from our community. We were interfering with their crimes and these cops (some) were paid off. I was evidently seen as the ring leader of this legal political actions. The THUGS were being paid off to send and very strong message!

I spent 2 years fighting the courts before the charges were cleared when an honest DA arrived on the scene.

The story has a lot more to it. But you can guarantee if they come knocking they take every advantage to the situation they can. I never fought back and stood stalk still in my sock feet on my front stoop. NO officer came to explain what was happening or why.

At the time I was 69, age is not a problem when thugs like this are on the prowl. I knew any move I made with 8 guns pointed at me was death. My goal was not being Rambo, but living another day. I stood down and let it happen.

It took 3 days to get released from the psych. ward once a competent doctor was on hand.

There are good policemen, but there are many corrupt police departments that spend time and money corrupting young officers who are bullied by senior officers.

It took months for the physical injuries to heal and I still have disfiguration though small that I will have for life. No court will side with me, because they are part of the corruption, so why sue. However, these officers committed treason by trying to stifle or Free Speech with violence. I do hope the see the crooked ones before a GITMO tribunal.

There was an internal police review run by the POLICE filled with more lies. A police Captain asked me not to persue action because the police officers involved might lose their job! The news media were told to back off and they backed way off.

I am truly sorry an innocent man lost his life, because he hesitated. The police are taught to come home each night no matter what it takes. They are already primed to shoot to kill. They are armed to the teeth and wearing bullet proof amour. They are no longer required to serve and protect in most communities.

Trying proving your are not crazy in a psych ward run by egotistical doctors that got degrees in pshchology to figure out what is wrong with them. Hospitals make big money keep people that don’t belong there. The treatment is not always sanitary or safe. Medical treatment for injuries is lacking and deplorable at best. Its a whole story all by itself. The service providers are little shits behind closed doors. But you do realize hospitals are profit centers first and health care way down the line. Once you start unraveling this mess you find a lot more beyond Red Flag laws and COVID Scams.

Leland Roth
Leland Roth
2 years ago
Reply to  Dr John

Thank u for telling us your sad tale….Huuuu????

2 years ago

Story is incomplete as it failed to give basis for the extreme order-thing. If you fire a weapon at police your fate is kind of sealed…

david russell
david russell
2 years ago

This is kind of like the Salem witch trials: they dunk you into the lake and if you float, you’re a witch and burned at the stake. If you drown, well, you were innocent.

So the guys who should be disarmed will resist and be killed and those who shoudn’t be disarmed will sheeplike give up their guns.

2 years ago

ALL THE CLAIMED TO BE MEN IN AMERICA..STAND UP YOU COWARDS,your HERO’S switched sides long ago,THEY ALL WORK FOR THEIR DADDY “SATAN” NOW,you all should be planning AMBUSHES AND ROAD BLOCKS so you can feed them to your dogs later,THAT WHAT they have planned for your children in the FEMA DEATH CAMPS they will be taking your family too,ARE YOU TO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND TREASON..