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BREAKING: One Of The 2000 Mules CAUGHT By Project Veritas Has Been ARRESTED, Facing 20 Years Of Prison For Election Fraud [VIDEO]

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A Texas woman named Rachel Rodriguez was arrested on 26 counts of election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail, and unlawfully possessing an official ballot.

Each charge constitutes a felony under the Texas Election Code.

A Project Veritas video last fall exposed her as she engaged in vote harvesting leading up to the 2020 election.

The Election Fraud Division of the Office of the Attorney General reviewed dozens of hours of unedited, raw footage, which led to this arrest.

In an uncharacteristic moment of honesty, Rodriguez acknowledged on video that what she was doing is illegal and that she could go to jail for it. If convicted, Rodriguez could face up to 20 years in prison.

How is this possible? It was the most secure election ever.


“Many continue to claim that there’s no such thing as election fraud. We’ve always known that such a claim is false and misleading, and today we have additional hard evidence. This is a victory for election integrity and a strong signal that anyone who attempts to defraud the people of Texas, deprive them of their vote, or undermine the integrity of elections will be brought to justice,” said Attorney General Paxton. “The shocking and blatantly illegal action documented by Project Veritas demonstrates a form of election fraud my office continually investigates and prosecutes. I am fiercely committed to ensuring the voting process is secure and fair throughout the state, and my office is prepared to assist any Texas county in combating this insidious, un-American form of fraud.”

Project Veritas confronts the San Antonio woman:

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2 years ago

Its about D time!!!

2 years ago

Hang the (b)Witch and save the tax payers money! She knew what she was doing was illegal. She is one of many who attempted and succeeded in overthrowing the National election, which should be considered a treasonous act. Punish her accordingly!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jim

Exactly, this is Much Worse than Anything that happened on Jan 6th!!!

Eileen Ross
Eileen Ross
2 years ago
Reply to  Jim

One down. l999 to go.

Christian Rodriguez
Christian Rodriguez
2 years ago

what ever happened to ruby freeman???

2 years ago

Raquel Rodriguez was arrested on Jan. 13, 2021 and charged with four felonies, including election fraud and illegal voting, by the state … Long before 2000 Mules.

Eileen Ross
Eileen Ross
2 years ago
Reply to  Gregg

Yes, but she was still one of them.

Herb Kowalski
Herb Kowalski
1 year ago
Reply to  Eileen Ross

She cheated for a Republican, congressional candidate MJ Hager.

US Citizen
US Citizen
2 years ago

Who’s paying them to do this?

2 years ago

B effing S

2 years ago

Public Hanging, on TV

Charles ReddingerD
Charles Reddinger
2 years ago

She is the little fish time to find out who she worked for. Every day something new comes out about how the 2020 election was not secure. States like Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and now a conviction in Texas. These States are showing Voting irregularities not following voting laws, ballot harvesting, voting machine manipulations, ballot-box stuffing, and irregularities with mail-in ballots. Makes one believe we have a definite problem with secure elections. The Jan 6th is done and over it was a smoke screen to cover up the real problem which is election integrity. Trump’s big lie may not be a lie after all It is time to focus on how to gain secure elections for years to come as it is now voters are not sure the vote they cast is for who they wanted to vote for and if their vote really counts, We need secure elections fair and honest ones. ELECTION INTEGRITY NOW, The Democrats are beating a dead horse with the one-sided Jan 6th riot at the Capitol its been breached before with people with arms and bombs check the history of the Capitol on google makes Jan 6th a mountain out of a molehill.

2 years ago

“Follow the money.” It’s all a scam. Find out who hired her and many others, that’s where the problem lies.

2 years ago

The perp. was paid. Follow the money.

2 years ago

how many more like her are walking around “scot-free” ?

2 years ago

That documentary was a fake I thought. So what about all the other people that delivered mail in ballots all over the country at wee hours of the morning. Nobody seems to be investigating any of that.

Forrest W Byers
Forrest W Byers
2 years ago

Trump in 22!

Frances Weingarten
Frances Weingarten
1 year ago

Election fraud seems to be rampant at present and one has to wonder just why this should be! It’s definately something new to me as I’ve never experienced people who would bring in aliens from wherever they came! One can
only hope that this is stopped ASAP as it’s not rational or a leagal way to get into the country!
Frances Weingarten,

Laura Wagner
Laura Wagner
1 year ago

Now if we can do that in the other states like Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, we can overturn the 2020 election results and get Creepy Joe/ Kamala out of office.

1 year ago

1 down, 1999 more to go.