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BREAKING: Audio Leaks Of ChiComs Planning Their Invasion Of Taiwan In Top-Secret Meeting

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The Times of India reports an unprecedented and explosive audio leak of a top-secret meeting of the People’s Liberation Army that reveals China’s detailed plan to attack Taiwan.

Experts say that the audio clip posted on the YouTube channel of Lude media appears authentic.


Never before, not in the history of the People’s Republic of China, has a recording of a top-secret meeting of military command leaked, Times of India reports.

The contents of the audio clearly show that the meeting was to discuss pre-war preparation. A lot of people are speaking in the audio.

The May 14 meeting allegedly highlighted Guangdong’s importance to China both generally and especially during wartime preparations. Guangdong is located along the north shore of the South China Sea. It’s almost directly west of the Taiwan Strait. The Strait is a narrow body of water separating Taiwan from China. In addition to its strategically significant location, Guangdong is considered highly valuable for its manufacturing industry, which centers upon the province’s rich Pearl River Delta and is responsible for much of China’s domestic and foreign economic output, Breitbart reports.

Taiwan News says the leaked audio reveals Chinese commanders planning mobilization for war with Taiwan.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Michelle Robinson