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New Poll Spells Disaster For Biden — Six in 10 Americans Would Vote Against Him If He Runs For Reelection

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According to a new poll, more than 60% of Americans say they would not vote for President Joe Biden again if he runs for reelection in 2024.

When asked how they would vote if the election were conducted today, six out of ten respondents said they would “probably” or “certainly” vote against Biden, while only 36 percent said they would “absolutely” or “probably” vote to reelect Biden, according to the Fox News poll.

These are much lower figures for Biden than for his two predecessors, Donald Trump and Barack Obama.

When this poll was taken in February 2020, 52 percent of respondents stated they would vote against Trump. When Obama was up for reelection in August 2011, 51% stated they’d vote for someone else.

The displeasure with Biden, according to the Fox News poll, stems from his bad management of the economy, the pandemic, and foreign affairs.

When asked how they felt about Biden’s handling of the economy, 58 percent said they disapproved. 52 percent disapproved of Biden’s management of the pandemic, and 54 percent disapproved of his handling of global affairs.

According to the study, Vice President Kamala Harris’ approval ratings aren’t any better. According to the poll, 54 percent of respondents disapprove of her work. Only 47% of those polled disapproved of her in June.

Biden has stated that he intends to compete for reelection in 2024, with Harris serving as his running mate once again. He has, however, acknowledged that his health may prohibit him from launching a new campaign at some point in the future.

“Yes. But, look, I’m a big believer in fate, and it’s played a big role in my life. “I would run again if I’m in the health I’m in now – I’m in fantastic health,” Biden stated in December.

When asked about the possibility of a rematch with Trump, Biden said it would make him want to run even more.

“Sure. What makes you think I wouldn’t run against Donald Trump? “Because he’s the nominee, his chances of running are better,” Biden added.

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