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Biden DOJ Is BEGGING The Supreme Court Not To Overturn Roe V Wade During Upcoming Abortion Case

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As it prepares to hear a key abortion case in a few months, Biden’s Department of Justice, led by hack Attorney General Merrick Garland, is imploring, practically begging, the Supreme Court not to overturn Roe v. Wade and using a ridiculous excuse:

AXIOS – The Department of Justice sought permission Monday to present oral arguments when the Supreme Court hears a case challenging Mississippi’s strict abortion law, as it called on justices to uphold Roe v. Wade.

The two briefs, filed by acting Solicitor General Brian Fletcher, mark the latest attempt by President Biden’s DOJ to “protect the legal right to an abortion,” per the New York Times, which first reported on the court filings.

The Supreme Court will on Dec. 1 hear a challenge to the Mississippi law that bans nearly all abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy.

In its filing, the Justice Department notes that appeals courts had previously backed Jackson Women’s Health, agreeing that Mississippi had been “unable to identify any medical research or data that shows a fetus has reached the ‘point of viability’ at 15 weeks.’”

“The United States has a substantial interest in the proper interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment,” the DOJ said.

I hope these justices see ‘viability’ for what it is: a ludicrous argument. An newborn baby at any time would not be ‘viable’ outside of the womb unless it was fed, changed, and cared for by a parent.

But, more to the point, the main argument is that the unborn child is alive from the time of conception and deserves legal protection. This isn’t about anything other than legitimately safeguarding the most defenseless among us.

Someone posted this on Twitter and I think it sums up exactly how we should see the unborn:



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