

Joe Biden Drops Facemask While Fleeing Podium To Avoid Reporter Questions!

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Joe Biden on Friday delivered remarks on the Coronavirus from Wilmington, Delaware.

77-year-old Joe Biden said, “I’m not going to shut down the economy, I’m not gonna shut down the country” — despite vowing to ‘listen to the scientists’ and shut down the country to ‘combat the Coronavirus’ during his interview with ABC News.

The plan Biden laid out today is literally what President Trump is already doing to combat the Coronavirus (save for universal masking).

Today Biden said his administration would do the following to stop the spread of Covid:

Universal masking
– Available testing
– Enough PPE
– Scientific guidelines for opening
– Safe and effective treatments and vaccine

As usual, Biden immediately fled from the podium after he finished his speech and refused to take questions from reporters.

Biden dropped his face mask on the ground as he shuffled away.

Notice his gait as he flees the podium.


Via GatewayPundit

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