

Joe Biden BITES His Wife’s Finger During Campaign Speech Leaving Audience Wondering, WTF?!

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There’s ample photographic evidence of Joe Biden getting handsy with women (and young girls), or sniffing their hair, but now we’ve got a new one: finger biting.

At a campaign event on Saturday, in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Jill Biden was gesturing with her hands during her speech, coming close to Joe’s face, when he playfully and bizarrely, bit her finger.

Jill Biden laughed at her husband’s bizarre behavior and continued on with her speech like it was no big deal. Granted, given some of his past behavior, biting his own wife’s finger is arguably an improvement, but some might say that since she wasn’t aware she was going to be bitten he didn’t have consent, but who are we to judge.

Biden’s campaign has just launched his “No Malarkey!” tour in Iowa, which I guess is to help connect with voters who have to Google what “malarkey” means. Perhaps some rebranding is in order.

The moral of the story here is: stay away from Joe’s face.

Via PJMedia

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