

BOOM! Major Historian Admits 2020 Will Be EVEN GREATER For Trump Than He Could Imagine…Thanks Democrats!

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Historian and political commentator Victor Davis Hanson believes the Democrats will get a short sugar rush from their latest efforts to impeach Donald Trump, but in a matter of weeks it will turn in the president’s favor and lead to a big win in 2020.

“We are starting to see the outlines of a progressive fantasy on the horizon: Biden will be sacrificed. The party will unite around [Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth] Warren,” Hanson wrote in a Sunday piece for the Center for American Greatness.

“The left-wing media narrative will be, ‘We took out one of our own, now it is your turn to depose Trump.’ Chaos overload for two or three weeks might keep Trump’s polling low,” he adds.

But when all is said and done, he wrote, “Long-term, however, Trump wins.”

Hanson pointed to the number government audits that will be coming out soon, and that will work powerfully to counter the Democrats’ narrative.

The first will be Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the FBI’s abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act during the 2016 race.

Horowitz told lawmakers in mid-September he has completed a draft report and turned it in to Attorney General William Barr.

This report is certain to show true abuse of power by Obama administration officials in the counterintelligence investigation they launched against the Trump campaign in July 2016.

The findings will stand in juxtaposition to the president’s request to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to look into alleged wrongdoing by former Vice President Joe Biden’s and his son Hunter.

In 2018, Joe Biden bragged that he forced Ukraine to fire a prosecutor or face losing $1 billion in U.S. aid. The prosecutor happened to be investigating a company that Hunter was getting paid a tremendous amount from to serve on the board.

Horowitz’s report is just one of several that will likely help Trump, Hanson contended.

He also wrote that federal prosecutors John Huber and John Durham are examining the origins of the Russia investigation.

During congressional testimony last spring, Barr did not back down from characterizing what the FBI did against the Trump campaign as “spying.” What the AG wants to know was whether it was properly predicated.

The New York Times conceded weeks later the Obama administration did spy on the Trump campaign.

Hanson further argued, “The full story of the whistleblower has not been told, but there are a lot of narratives to come about the sudden rules allowing hearsay, DNC involvement, and who knew far in advance about the complainant’s writ.”

“Once the Democratic debates continue, the candidates’ screaming and hysterics return, and the impeachment hearings descend into a Kavanaugh-esque farce, the public will begin to get scared again by the Left’s shrieking Jacobins,” he added.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff’s parody of what Trump supposedly truly meant to say, Hanson wrote, is just a “small foretaste of what’s to come.”

In the end, the columnist thinks Warren’s plans to Venezuelize America will not fly with the majority of the voters.

Hanson concluded: “So if Trump’s health holds out, if we don’t have a recession, if there is not an optional war, and Trump endures the next few weeks of 360-degree, 24/7 targeting, 2020 will be far more favorable than ever imaginable for him.”

Democrats are currently enjoying their high-water mark in their efforts to bring down Trump, but the swamp is about to start draining, and it will be interesting to see what is exposed as the murky water recedes.

Via WesternJournal

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