

Another Popular Children’s Cartoon Will Be HEAVILY Pushing Gay Characters, LGBT Agenda

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My Little Pony is appeasing the LGBT agenda by having a gay couple of ponies as characters.

It’s not enough that they’ve basically won the culture war on this issue, they have to propagandize children into it too.

More from Christian Broadcasting News:

The ninth and final season of the animated series “My Little Pony” on the Discovery Family Channel will feature a lesbian couple who take care of a school-aged character named Scootaloo.

The episode, titled “The Last Crusade,” introduces the same-sex couple Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty in the middle of Gay Pride Month, which the program’s producers call a “happy coincidence.”

I think this is the clip of the characters:

Christians have lost the culture on this issue. We’re on the defensive. We have to fight just to avoid imprisonment for speaking out against the popular culture. And I’m guessing it will get worse. We’ll probably see some bigoted MAGA-hat wearing pony who looks like Mike Pence and forces a gay pony to undergo conversation therapy before he’s defeated and ritually beheaded while bloodthirsty gay ponies look on and laugh, all for the sake of the woke religion…


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