

Clear, Commonsense, Honest – Americans Looking To Crenshaw For Fresh Leadership To Drain The Swamp

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The GOP’s most popular face of 2020 and beyond may well include a beard and eyepatch.

Texas Rep. and ex-Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw, all of 34 years old and elected during last year’s midterms, is making a name for himself by stating his case and connecting with fellow Republicans in the bargain.

It is a sign of respect and a far cry from last November, when Saturday Night Live’s Pete Davidson mocked Crenshaw’s eyepatch; the politician responded in kind, literally, with a noble appearance on the show a week later.

The fact Crenshaw was a good enough sport to defend the comedian rather than overreact with thin-skinned insults about the performance speaks to the politician’s character as a person.

The congressman’s unmistakable visage will appear on TV more often the more his voice of reason resonates. At the 2019 Conservative Political Action Conference in February, the freshman’s speech toed the party line and made an impression with voters — despite not mentioning Donald Trump.

After all, as Fox News reported, he doesn’t always see eye to eye with the president, with whom he disagrees about pulling U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

And though Crenshaw acknowledges the media is often inaccurate and slants left, he staunchly defends the First Amendment and would never think of viewing the press’s responsibilities as illegal.

As conservative commentator Ben Shapiro said of Crenshaw, “He’s not going to be in the business of pretending Trump is something he’s not.”

The Washington newcomer is also active on social media, and does not hesitate to call out such political stalwarts as Sen. Dianne Feinstein. When the California Democrat tweeted, “A border wall would do nothing to curb visa overstays,” Crenshaw retorted, “Why are you arguing with a point that no one is making?”

He also took aim at socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after she falsely accused Republicans of referring to her dancing as “scandalous” in a tweet. Crenshaw put the radical liberal in her place: “Dancing’s great, but ideas matter more.”

Naturally, Twitter isn’t the Navy veteran’s only weapon, especially when it comes to defending the Second Amendment while shooting down House bill H.R. 8, which calls for stricter gun control.

Crenshaw was recently filmed explaining his aversion to universal background checks as an “overreach” as he strolled the halls of Congress.

What’s more, he rightfully does not mince words and isn’t shy about his pro-life stance, having traversed the nation’s capital during January’s March for Life and — in the process — tweeting a video of it.

In an era of politicians and candidates who won’t be confused with pillars of morality — especially far-left liberals whose ideas and policies seem better-suited for Mars than for America — we need more voices like Crenshaw’s to help Trump restore order.

Dan Crenshaw’s fortitude, military-esque discipline and old-fashioned GOP values have already carried him beyond his Texas borders.

Via WesternJournal

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