

Festivus 2018: Rand Paul Airs His Grievances With A Federal ‘Waste Report’

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As is customary in the celebration of Festivus, the fictional holiday begins with the airing of grievances and Sen. Rand Paul did just that as he released his Festivus Waste Report detailing how your tax dollars were frivolously spent in 2018.

As Seinfeld character Frank Constanza explains, “At the Festivus dinner, you gather your family around, and tell them all the ways they have disappointed you over the past year!”

The Kentucky Republican took to Twitter to ring in Festivus and share some of his grievances with U.S. family members.

“GOOD MORNING! Welcome to everyone’s favorite holiday, !” he begins.

Naturally, Paul began with an emphasis on foreign policy and the use of our military.

Responding to President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria and begin leaving Afghanistan, a move that resulted in war hawks in the GOP pushing back and magically saw hordes of liberal pacifists morph into neo-cons, Paul reminded us how just two years ago everyone was saying Trump “was going to start multiple nuclear wars or something.”

“Now they are mad because he is STOPPING two wars,” he tweeted. “How about you just admit you hate the President, love war and have been wrong for the last 20 years on every part of foreign policy?”

After explaining that he was scheduled to go on a few Sunday talk shows for some “serious policy discussions,” Paul promised to be come back later in the day with more grievances.

And weighed in on whether “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie or not.

As for your wasted tax dollars, Paul’s Festivus Waste Report begins: “Happy Festivus! Is 2018 over already? It was just yesterday the national debt was pushing$20 trillion, and now its blown $21 trillion away! What a year!”

The report then goes on to highlight $114,514,631 of wasted money.

From studying the sexual habits of quails on cocaine to a fictionalized opera about His Royal Highness Prince Harry to paying someone to blow leaf blowers at lizards, we’re talking waste.

Heck, ever-benevolent U.S. taxpayers even paid someone to study daydreaming!

Here’s a listing of all the items detailed in Paul’s report, which sort of puts things in perspective when understanding that Democrats are holding out on funding border security in this country:


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