

So Much For The ‘Tolerant Left’ – Threats Against Kavanaugh’s Wife Are So DISGUSTING, The US Marshals Have Had To Get Involved

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Ah, “liberal tolerance.” It’s become a sort of cliche: The left pretends to hold the moral high ground when it comes to compassion and acceptance, and then promptly reveals just how bitter they are when it actually matters.

The latest example of this scenario is playing out as part of the drama involving Brett Kavanaugh. As the Supreme Court nominee fends off an unproven and fairly flimsy allegation from decades ago, his wife has stood by his side … even in the face of death threats.

Yes, the oh-so-tolerant left is now apparently sending hateful messages to a woman because they don’t like her husband.

The threats were made public by The Wall Street Journal on Friday. In a wider piece discussing Kavanaugh, the newspaper revealed that his wife Ashley Estes Kavanaugh has been caught in the cross-fire of political nastiness.

“Judge Kavanaugh’s wife … has faced threats, which are being investigated by the U.S. Marshals Service,” the venerable newspaper reported.

“She has received two profane notes on her work email account in recent days,” explained The Wall Street Journal.

Forget about “going high,” as some Democrats urged people to do not so long ago. Instead, the messages are the lowest of the low.

“May you, your husband and your kids burn in hell,” declared one of the emails sent to Mrs. Kavanaugh and obtained by the newspaper.

Another message allegedly suggested that the nominee’s wife tell her husband to “put a bullet in his…skull.”

Although the Supreme Court nominee is all but a household name at this point, his lesser-known wife also has a respectable list of accomplishments.

“The Kavanaughs had their first date on September 10, 2001, the day before the 9/11 attacks,” explained The Daily Wire. “They were at the White House the next day and had to be evacuated.”

“Mrs. Kavanaugh served as the personal secretary to President George W. Bush from the start of his presidency through 2004; prior to that she served as Bush’s assistant when he served as Governor of Texas and his 2000 presidential campaign,” continued The Wire.

It’s fair to say that almost every public official receives a decent — or indecent — amount of hate mail. That’s distasteful enough when a politician is in the public eye, but absolutely disgraceful when a spouse is the target of vile attacks.

Once again, the consequences of political mud-slinging are getting out of control. Not long ago, Democrats like Maxine Waters urged liberals to harass conservatives anywhere they could find them. Before that, “comedians” such as Kathy Griffin saw nothing wrong with making light of the president’s death.

That’s after the media gleefully spread rhetoric comparing the president and his supporters to fascists and Nazis, with no regard for the fallout of those words.

Politics will never be completely civil, but that doesn’t mean it has to be spiteful and loathsome. It’s worth remembering that people like Kavanaugh and his wife are real people, no matter which side of the political aisle they sit.

Via WesternJournal

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