

JUST IN: If Ford And Her Lawyers Don’t Respond TONIGHT, Kavanaugh Vote WILL HAPPEN Monday

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A vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court will happen on Monday if Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyers do not respond to an offer made by the Senate Judiciary Committee by 10 p.m. tonight.

“Despite the fact that the July 30th letter remains hidden, my committee has been investigating the allegations and has heard from multiple witnesses since Sunday,” Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley said in a statement.

“Ms. Katz has discussed Dr. Ford’s allegations in numerous media interviews and said on TV Monday morning that Dr. Ford wants to share her account with the Senate Judiciary Committee,” Grassley continued. “It’s Friday night and nothing’s been agreed to despite our extensive efforts to make testimony possible.”

“I’m extending the deadline for response yet again to 10 o’clock this evening,” Grassley stated. “I’m providing a notice of a vote to occur Monday in the event that Dr. Ford’s attorneys don’t respond or Dr. Ford decides not to testify.”

“In the event that we can come to a reasonable resolution as I’ve been seeking all week, then I will postpone the committee vote to accommodate her testimony. We cannot continue to delay.”

Via DailyWire

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