

Hollywood Star Vandals Strike Again – Place Prison Bars On Trump’s Walk Of Fame Star

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A British-born “street artist” named Plastic Jesus placed prison bars atop President Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star on Wednesday.

“Today I put @realDonaldTrump behind bars. #donaldtrump #ImpeachTrump,” the vandal tweeted with a video of the stunt. 

The “artist” gleefully shared a photo of the stunt with his nearly 73 thousand Instagram followers.


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Someone placed prison bars over Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood walk of fame. #donaldtrump #potus #hollywood

A post shared by Plastic Jesus® (@plasticjesus) on

“There have been calls to jail Trump since the day he was elected, and today he was certainly put behind bars,” the vandal wrote in an email to the Huffington Post. “Although it was very quickly damaged by a Trump supporter trying to remove it the bars did appear to be stuck fast and were there several hours later ― to the amusement of thousands of passing tourists.”

Via Breitbart


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