

GOP Rep. Martha McSally Makes New Proposal For Trump Wall That Will Have You Shouting YES!

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As the Trump administration locks horns with the state of California over sanctuary city policies and immigration, one Republican lawmaker thinks its time to build a wall between the Golden State and its neighbor.

Rep. Martha McSally is looking to protect her state from California’s “dangerous policies.”

“As we look in Arizona, we often look into the dangers of the southern border,” the GOP congresswoman and the first female Air Force pilot to fly in combat, said at Tuesday’s White House round-table discussion on sanctuary cities, The Hill reported.

“But if these dangerous policies continue out of California, we might need to build a wall between California and Arizona as well to keep these dangerous criminals out of our state,” she said.

President Trump has accused California’s leaders of being “in open defiance of federal law” and the Justice Department sued the sanctuary state for obstructing enforcement of federal immigration laws and harming public safety.  Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown blasted the decision, describing it as “basically going to war against the state of California.”

McSally, who has announced her bid to replace retiring GOP Sen. Jeff Flake, also criticized the state which she said can’t just “provide sanctuary for these criminals and think that it’s only impacting California dangerously.”

Adding insult to injury, the California state Senate last week appointed an illegal immigrant to a state-run committee.

“That’s just you know, California when it comes to anything to do with illegal aliens, the law is irrelevant,” Don Rosenberg, whose son Drew was murdered by an illegal immigrant in 2010, said on “Fox & Friends” this week. “I think they’ve proven that over and over and over again and they just don’t care.”

Via BizPAC

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