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LOOKOUT MAXINE! America’s Most Derided Congresswoman’s Days Are Numbered

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Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has become one of the most universally derided members of Congress–among Republicans. But back in her home district, demographics are so favorably stacked that Waters comfortably glides into reelection every two years.

California Hispanic Republican Omar Navarro hopes to be the underdog that finally turns California’s 43rd Congressional District red.

He has his work cut out for him. Navarro, 28, was his party’s nominee last year–and lost the election with just under 24 percent of the vote.

In the 2014 election, Waters also won with over 70 percent of the electorate’s support.

But Navarro told Breitbart News the 2018 election will be different.

“When I ran last year, I received 25 percent of the vote, which means I got 11 percent more than the registered Republicans in the region, which means I transcended and got Democrats and Independents to vote for me,” Navarro said. “I spent a total of $3,000 the last campaign. In comparison, I’ve so far raised $140,000 this campaign.”

Indeed, the Navarro campaign has received very high-level support for a House race against an incumbent in a safe Democratic district.

Navarro’s most notable endorsements include former Presidential candidate Herman Cain, conservative singer-songwriter Joy Villa, and former Arizona Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr.

Political strategist and Trump ally Roger Stone is serving as Navarro’s campaign advisor, and former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio holds weekly talks with the Congressional hopeful.

Navarro is seemingly following President Donald Trump’s penchant for attracting publicity.

Earlier this year, Navarro kicked off his campaign hiring a mariachi band to play Mexican music in front of Waters’ home.

The Navarro campaign is seeking to gain ground among the community’s growing Hispanic population with a unifying message of American nationalism.

“Democrats continue to push for a divisive culture. They continue to divide people on a constant basis; not unite people. We need to move the country in a direction where we unite people,” Navarro stated. “We need to start worrying about what’s happening here in the United States, not what’s happening abroad.”

Navarro has even appeared on a Hispanic network to speak specifically on the issue of America’s relationship with Mexico:

“[W]e can’t be taken advantage of. We need to be worried about what’s happening here, just like Mexico needs to worry about what’s happening in their country. Every country has to a have a sense of national pride for their own nation and take care of their borders, their business situation in regards to jobs, and law enforcement.”

While the Navarro campaign has the support of big personalities, the California Republican says small donors are the “driving force” behind his campaign.

Via Bizpacreview

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