
There’s Another White House Official Who Is On The CHOPPING BLOCK – Trump Is Ready To Let Him GO!

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President Trump is a businessman, not a politician. Which means he’s not going to play games when it comes to getting the job done.

In practical terms, that means Trump will fire anyone who stands in the way of his agenda to “Make America Great Again,” be they friend or foe. That’s just what you do in business.

And indications are that the next official on the chopping block could be Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Now, it’s highly doubtful that Trump would out-and-out FIRE Tillerson. Instead, he’ll let the former Exxon-Mobil CEO retire with dignity.

But, one way or another, it looks like Tillerson’s on his way out.


From Business Insider:

Heather Nauert, a State Department spokeswoman, surprised reporters on Tuesday by saying Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was “taking a little time off.”

According to CNN, Tillerson has long been at odds with Trump, and views his bashing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions as the last straw:

Tillerson has a growing list of differences with the White House, including a new debate over Iran policy and personnel. …two sources who spoke to CNN on condition of anonymity … said there was a noticeable increase in the secretary’s frustration and his doubts that the tug-of-war with the White House would subside anytime soon.

Another apparent point of contention between Tillerson and Trump is the annual State Department terrorism report, which this year continued the trend of trashing Israel, even after the president has made such a show of his unwavering support for the Jewish state.

Via the JTA:

The Zionist Organization of America called on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to resign over the State Department terrorism report that the ZOA called “bigoted, biased, anti-Semitic, Israel-hating (and) error-ridden.”

Israel and her staunchest supporters in America had been wary of Tillerson’s appointment from the start, noting his strong ties to Arab leaders who are hostile toward the Jewish state.

Earlier in the year, pro-Israel Jewish-American billionaire Sheldon Adelson was reportedly“furious” after Tillerson put the brakes on Trump’s promise to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

Adelson is a GOP “mega-donor,” so chances are Trump would rather retain his good graces than continue tolerating those positions of Tillerson’s that anyway don’t mesh with the president’s own.
According to CNN, Tillerson has long been at odds with Trump, and views his bashing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions as the last straw:

Tillerson has a growing list of differences with the White House, including a new debate over Iran policy and personnel. …two sources who spoke to CNN on condition of anonymity … said there was a noticeable increase in the secretary’s frustration and his doubts that the tug-of-war with the White House would subside anytime soon.

Another apparent point of contention between Tillerson and Trump is the annual State Department terrorism report, which this year continued the trend of trashing Israel, even after the president has made such a show of his unwavering support for the Jewish state.

(via: Conservative Post)


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