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This Former Transgender Navy SEAL Speaks Out About Trump’s Latest Decision – But It’s NOT What You Think!

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There is another side to the story the liberal media is throwing out there.

Christopher Beck, pictured above, became the first RETIRED US Navy Seal to come out as transgender.  She did this in 2013 … years AFTER retiring in 2011.  She was never going through this transition during active duty.  Big difference.

According to Business Insider:

A retired Navy SEAL Team 6 hero who is transgender had a message for President Donald Trump after he announced the US military would bar transgender people from serving.

“Let’s meet face to face and you tell me I’m not worthy,” Kristin Beck, a 20-year veteran of the Navy SEALs, told Business Insider on Wednesday. “Transgender doesn’t matter. Do your service.”

President Trump made this decision, which was NOT about an individual’s worth, based on what was best for the military.  After all, people with asthma, obesity, diabetes, permanent STD’s or HIV, people with a recurring history of cancer, people with emotional instability, and most people with physical disabilities cannot serve in the military. This was a military decision based on the recommendation of senior military personnel.

Here is what has been happening since Obama changed the laws.  A person can sign up to be in the military.  They can declare a year into service they are transgender.  Since the military treats the condition as a medical disorder, the military is paying for the surgery and follow up treatment.  So these transgender soldiers were leaving the service after their one year contract to go through an expensive (estimates range from $80,000 to $100,000 per soldier) treatment and being paid and kept out of service for up to three years.  It is found that most individuals were not joining the military for love of country, but for the boondoggle that Obama introduced in his term.

With an estimated 3,000 – 4,000 transgender people in the military, this adds up fast.  All this while our veterans are not getting the treatment for PSTD and other affects of war that they did not ask for, but received during their service.

(via: Conservative Post)

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