
Charlie Gard’s Parents Disclose REAL Reason They Chose To Take Him Off Life Support

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After months of fighting, the parents of terminally ill baby Charlie Gard have surrendered in the battle to save their son’s life.

According to Breitbart, Chris Gard and Connie Yates’ lawyer Grant Armstrong made the announcement on July 24 that the parents would let their son “go be with the angels” instead of continuing their fight to get their son any kind of alternative treatment that could save his life.

The announcement follows weeks of international outrage after a British court sided with the London hospital and denied the parents request to bring their son to the United States for alternative treatment.

Little Charlie suffers from a rare genetic mutation called mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome which is most usually a fatal condition.

The hospital and London’s High Court faced strong opposition from people around the world. International leaders such as President Donald Trump and Pope Francis stood up for the parents and encouraged others to appeal to British politicians in order to save little Charlie’s life.

But that all changed when Armstrong made a heartbreaking announcement in front of London’s High Court.

“For Charlie, it is too late … treatment cannot offer a chance of success,” he stated.

According to CNN, Armstrong told the court that the “window of opportunity no longer exists” for doctors to try to save the baby’s life.

Fox News reported that Connie Yates, Charlie’s mother, made her own gut-wrenching statement regarding her and her husband’s decision to take Charlie off life support.

“There has never been any proof that he was and we still don’t think that he’s in pain or suffering to this day,” she said.

“Having said that, we have decided to let our son go and that’s for one reason and one reason only. It is because the prospect of improvement is unfortunately now too low for Charlie,” she continued.

“Mummy and Daddy love you so much Charlie, we always have and we always will and we are so sorry that we couldn’t save you,” Yates stated, concluding her statement.

The parents had fought for weeks until a U.S. doctor traveled to the U.K. to examine their son. Armstrong stated that Charlie’s parents made the tough decision after seeing medical reports that cited a low chance of success for their son’s recovery.

(via: Conservative Tribune)

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