
Teen Vogue Just Published This DISGUSTING Sex Guide Aimed At CHILDREN!

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How are teens supposed to navigate these already tough years, when magazines THAT ARE TARGETED to them spout guides to BEHAVIORS many call DEVIANT…or, at LEAST most can agree, AREN’T FOR TEENS.

What happened to fashion, movie stars, school and boyfriend problems?

It is a new world. And at times, one MANY are not too happy about.

The feature article of June 2017’s issue of TEEN VOGUE  is Anal Sex: What You Need To Know, by sex educator and feminist activist Gigi Engle. The issue just hit the newsstands are MANY are LIVID, demanding the issues be BANNED from bookstores and retailers.

Excerpts read:

“Come on, EVERYBODY is doing it!”

“You will not poop on anyone during anal sex. Sure, there are horror stories, but aren’t there always?”

 “That being said, yes, you will come in contact with some fecal matter. You are entering a butth*le. It is where poop comes out. Expecting to do anal play and see zero poop isn’t particularly realistic. It’s NOT a big deal. Everyone poops. Everyone has a butt.”

“The article … emphasizes the fact that “at the end of the day, anal sex is just good clean fun — even if it occasionally involves poop.”

Referring to boys/men as “prostate owners” and girls/women as “non-prostate owners” furthers the rage as it refers to women only in reference to men.

A nod is given to condom usage, and what they call “enthusiastic agreement”.

From the issue:


Teen Vogue’s target audience is teenage girls 11 to 17!!  MOST of their audience is UNDER LEGAL AGE OF CONSENT!

(via: Conservative Post)

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