
White House Staffer Reveals The SICK Things That Obama Used To Do In The White House

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Barack Obama sullied the White House like it was never sullied before in its long history.

While Democrats have the gall to accuse President Trump of being crass, it’s actually Obama who lacks all class (like what I did there?).

A new memoir from one of Obama’s favorite speechwriters absolutely spills the beans on the 44th president’s DISGUSTING behavior.

David Litt was on staff for nearly the entire Obama presidency, so he saw EVERYTHING.

And what he reveals about Obama is going to shock Americans.

Portions of the book titled “Thanks, Obama: My Hopey Changey White House Years” were revealed to The Daily Mail:

Inside the White House, Litt depicts a scene that is less House of Cards, and more of a fraternity house, particularly within his team.

Working alongside speechwriters Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, and Jeff Nussbaum, he tells how they called each other ‘bro’ and showed off their status in and outside of the White House.

As far as the dating scene in Washington, Litt describes, seduction was ‘almost painfully easy,’ as colleagues used their White House credentials to pick up women.

Obamaworld was also a place where there was no other choice but to like college basketball or pretend to like it, as the former president was known to be a huge fan.

The White House is not a frat house. But that’s how Obama treated it.

Despicable. Thank God we finally have a REAL president.

(via: Conservative Post)

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