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BREAKING: Trump Just Found The Source of The White House Leaks! This is UNBELIEVABLE!

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Someone in the Trump Administration has been repeatedly leaking information to the “fake news” media, which has only been too happy to run with it.

It seems we may now know who that mole is, and WHY she was doing everything possible to damage the Trump White House.

The source of the leaks is believed to be National Security Council member Dina Powell.

Her presence in the White House is a major mystery given her recent political background.

From GotNews:

We all know she slept her way to the top of NSC, working her way from the receptionist desk at Dick Armey’s office,” notes one NSC staffer. “She has zero qualifications and given her ties to Huma Abedin is a security risk.”

It’s true that Powell has a lot of powerful neocon connections.

But what’s also known is that she’s a good buddy of Huma Abedin, and is a member of Hillary Clinton’s “Vital Voices.”

This is NOT the kind of person Trump needs staffing his National Security Council, even under the best of terms.

And if she indeed is behind the media leaks, then an example needs to be made.


(via: Conservative Post)

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