
LEAKED: Obama Running ‘SHADOW Government’ in DC

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Prior to the end of Obama’s presidency, many speculated that Obama may try to stay in power.  It looks like those conspiracy theories may have some merit.

From Politistick:

A video obtained from what the congressman said was a “private” setting, shows Congressman Mike Kelly declaring that former President Barack Obama has set up a “shadow government” in his Washington, D.C. mansion.

“I think we ought to pitch in to let him go someplace else because he is there for one purpose and for one purpose only,” Rep. Kelly said in a video from a meeting sometime taped since the news broke that Obama will be staying in Washington, D.C., rather than returning to his hometown of Chicago. “And that is to run a shadow government that is going to totally upset the new agenda. It just doesn’t make sense! And people sit back and say, my gosh, why can’t you guys get this done?” Kelly, who represents the 3rd district of Pennsylvania, asked rhetorically.

“We’ve got a new CEO, we’ve got some new heads in the different departments but the same people are there and they don’t believe that the new owners — or the new managers — should be the ship!” a fired up Mike Kelly declared.

Speculation that Obama has gone subversive against the current government shifted into overdrive at the news that longtime Obama political operative, the shadowy Valerie Jarrett, will be shacking up with the Obama’s in the 8,200 square foot, $5.3 million mansion in order to form Obama’s insurgent, anti-American efforts to undermine the Trump administration agenda, which is largely to roll-back the tyrannical Obama regime’s efforts to destroy America through a “divide and conquer” strategy.

So it is no stretch whatsoever to put two plus two together and come to the conclusion that Obama and Valerie Jarrett are up to something nefarious. The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree in this case with either one of these two.

Nevertheless, Rep. Mike Kelly’s office, when the video was made public, cowardly walked back his accusation for some strange unknown reason, suddenly buying into the narrative that the Obama’s are staying in DC until one of their daughters’ graduate, which still doesn’t explain what Jarrett is still doing there. One would think that she would logically want to return to Chicago to be closer to the Communist Party USA headquarters.

Reported with authorization from Politistick


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