
TRUMP VICTORY! U.S. Federal Court Makes Decision on New Travel Ban

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The Liberal Judge that put a halt to Trump’s first travel ban refused to halt Trump’s second ban, despite the liberal effort.

From Young Cons:

President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban is still a go, despite renewed efforts to stop it.

Washington State went to the federal judge who had previously issued the restraining order on the old travel ban and asked that that order pertains to this new ban.

New York then joined Washington in their request.

A U.S. federal court refused to apply for the emergency restraining order from President Trump’s immigration executive order to his newly modified travel ban.

Seattle U.S. District Court Judge James Robart, who issued the temporary restraining order against Trump’s initial order last month, refused a request on Friday to apply that order to the revised policy.

Washington and New York were basically trying to apply the prior decision to the new ban.

The judge said you can’t do that, the new ban requires a more extensive filing.

The revised ban, which is expected to go into effect on March 16, has now removed Iraq from the list of countries with temporary bans on travel and no longer bans Syrian refugees indefinitely.

Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway said it was expected that states might challenge the ban but that she believed that it would “pass legal muster.”

Conway pointed to how Iraq got off the list as a way for the other countries to follow. She said Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly worked with Iraq over the past month to help them increase their vetting, which got them off the list.

This likely will go through some of the same steps that the old ban went through in the courts.

However, because of the revisions, it stands a better chance, with less to legally question.

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