

Arrest Totally DESTROYS Clinton Family – Look Who Is Facing Over 300 Years In Prison!

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Things just keep going from bad to worse for the Clintons. Following Hillary’s embarrassing loss during the election, she was hit with the devastating news that her #1 fundraising machine, the Clinton Foundation, would be formally ending its operation on April 15, after many donors began heading for the hills following her election loss. Still reeling from the news that her “charity” was going down the sh*tter, now the Clintons are being smacked with another round of devastating karma after a close family friend could be sentenced to prison for an astounding 357 years.

A breaking report from the Washington Examiner reveals that a close friend of the Clintons was just busted in a massive scheme where she was caught stealing scholarship money from needy children. If convicted, former Democrat Rep. Corrine Brown could not only be spending the rest of her life behind bars, but beat down with a massive fine to the tune of $4.8 million dollars as well.

Democrat Rep. Corrine Brown

From Washington Examiner:

She partied with Nancy Pelosi, traveled on Air Force one next to President Obama, and cast her superdelegate vote for Hillary Clinton. But today Corrine Brown is in federal court on charges that she funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars from a non-profit charity, One Door for Education, into her own pocket. If convicted on all 24 counts, she faces 357 years in prison and $4.8 million in fines.

With her former chief of staff expected to testify against her, the question’s no longer whether or not she’s guilty. It’s why Democrat brass would continually cozy up to a congresswoman who was so clearly corrupt?

From the beginning, Brown’s been shrouded in controversy. Shortly after she won election in 1992, the Federal Election Commission accused Brown of violating numerous campaign finance laws. Most notably, she accepted donations from foreign citizens and failed to report the use of a corporate plane. And that’s just the tip of the ethical iceberg.

This isn’t the first time that Brown has been caught at the nucleous of a massive corrupt scheme however. Back in 1998 she cashed a $10,000 check from Henry Lyons, the disgraced president of the National Baptist Convention who was sentenced to five years in federal prison for fraud. Brown then used the unreported money to bus in supporters to one of her events.

American Freedom Fighters reported:

In 2000, Brown battled back a House Ethics investigation into her efforts to free imprisoned West African millionaire Foutanga Dit Babani Sissoko from federal prison. She appealed to Attorney General Janet Reno for help, asking her to spring Sissoko from prison. Though unsuccessful, Brown received a new Lexus worth $50,000 for her trouble.

With all the ties the Clintons have to terrorists and crooks, it’s not surprising that a close family friend of theirs would be caught up in something as disgusting as this. It’s pretty freaking sick that this woman would steal from children in order to line her own pocketbook, and it will be rewarding to see this hag thrown in prison for the rest of her natural life. Now if we could just get Hillary behind bars where she rightfully belongs and the world would truly be a better place!

(via: Freedom Daily)

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