
BREAKING: Trump Now LEADS National Polls After Convention Surge

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Donald Trump has taken the lead in the latest national polls after a surge in popularity stemming from the Republican National Convention and Vice Presidential pick.

Via Breitbart:

A five-day tracking poll backed by the Los Angeles Times shows Donald

Trump leading Hillary Clinton, 43 percent to 40 percent.

The California newspaper hid the actual poll numbers in the eighth paragraph, including the news that Trump has the support of at least 30 percent of Hispanics.

The five-day poll include multiple answers on different days from more than 3,000 people, and it shows familiar splits;

The poll shows big gaps along the lines of race, gender, age and education that have surfaced consistently during the campaign. Through Thursday’s results, Trump led among men, 47%  to 36%, while Clinton had a smaller, 41%-34% edge among women. Trump led among voters 45 and older, Clinton among those younger.

Some of Trump’s strongest support comes from white voters who have not graduated from college, among whom he led 53% to 24%. Clinton, by contrast, dominates among minorities, leading 77% to 3% among blacks and 51% to 30% among Latinos.

Clinton also held a narrow edge among white college graduates, 42% to 40%. If she wins that group, Clinton would be the first Democrat to carry white college graduates since polls began asking such demographic questions in the early 1950s.

Many of those splits have narrowed in favor of Trump, according to the L.A. Times poll. For example, Clinton’s lead among women is only seven points, according to the poll, while Trump has an 11-point lead among men.

Also, the poll shows Clinton with support from only 51 percent of Hispanics, and Trump with 30 percent support. That leaves 19 percent uncommitted, which suggests that Trump’s Hispanic ballot-box support may be significantly higher than 30 percent.

In 2012, GOP candidate Mitt Romney scored only 27 percent of the Latino vote, while President Barack Obama got 71 percent.

Still, the poll shows both candidates in the low 40s — suggesting that 15 percent of voters have yet to admit picking either of the two candidates.

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