
BREAKING: Cruz Camp Issues Statement On Private Trump Meeting And Endorsement Rumors!!

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This just came over email. The Cruz campaign has issued the following statement on the private meeting today between Senator Cruz, Donald Trump, and Chairman Priebus.

HOUSTON, Texas – Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier issued the following statement regarding the meeting between U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Donald Trump this morning:

“Sen. Cruz and Donald Trump had a good meeting this morning. There was no discussion of any endorsement. Mr. Trump asked Sen. Cruz to speak at the Republican convention, and Sen. Cruz said he would be happy to do so. Mr. Trump also asked Sen. Cruz for his counsel on future judicial nominations, and Cruz responded he would continue to do everything he can to help ensure principled constitutionalists on the courts.”

So endorsement, no, speaking slot, yes. But nothing ruled out, either. Very, very interesting.

Provided by Redstate.

En-volve outlook- I highly doubt Cruz will be an adult and keep his word on endorsing the GOP’s nomination without some prompting.  But we shall see. It is time to unite and take back America! Time to quit name calling and fighting.  Time to quit calling people racist because they disagree with them.  Time for America to once again be the greatest country in the world!

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