
“crooked Joe” would lead us into World War III?

From 100PercentFedUp - READ ORIGINAL

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In early 2022, President Trump issued this statement…

He said “crooked Joe” would lead us into World War III.

Unfortunately his prophecy may be coming true.

And according to an official congressional report

9 in 10 Americans may die from

this terrifying attack on America.

You and your family do NOT

have to be a victim.

You see, a famous military insider

and purple heart hero just released

this video showing the three steps 

you need to take to prepare.

This video is going viral…

But it’s highly controversial.

So I urge you to watch this video now before it’s

banned from the internet for the rest of time.

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Daniel GilfryD
Daniel Gilfry
12 days ago

Actually, Macaroni the French Nazi will do that!
This Froggie can’t WAIT to start WWIII
for his Masters in “israel”!
(Why do the Foreign Nazis always think they,
and only they, will survive WWIII!?)