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Newsome Is FURIOUS After Florida Sends Second Plane Of Illegals To California — Calls DeSantis ‘Small, Pathetic Man’

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Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has issued a vicious rebuke of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis after a second plane filled with illegal aliens arrived in California from Florida on Monday.

Newsom blasted DeSantis as a “small, pathetic man” for sending “asylum seekers” to his so-called “sanctuary” state.

A spokesperson for California Attorney General Rob Bonta’s office told CBS News that the latest flight was carrying around 20 immigrants.

The immigrants were carrying documentation that suggested they were being transported by a contractor for a Florida government program, the AG’s office added.

“The contractor operating the flight that arrived today appears to be the same contractor who transported the migrants last week,” the spokesperson said.

“As was the case with the migrants who arrived on Friday, the migrants who arrived today carried documents indicating that their transportation to California involved the state of Florida.”

Special agents from the California Department of Justice were on the ground and had made contact with the immigrants, Bonta spokeswoman Tara Gallegos said in a separate statement to CNN.

According to CNN, the paperwork they held listed Florida-based aviation company Vertol Systems Co. as the contractor behind the flights.

On Twitter, Bonta said his office is investigating the circumstances by which the illegal border crossers were transported to Sacramento.

Bonta falsely accused Florida of “state-sanctioned kidnapping,” which he claimed “is immoral.”

Meanwhile, Newsom slammed DeSantis as a “small, pathetic man” and absurdly said investigators were considering “kidnapping” charges under the state’s laws.

“This isn’t Martha’s Vineyard. Kidnapping charges?” Newsom wrote alongside a link to a California penal code that states that every person from out of state who transports or abducts someone else to California “by force or fraud” could potentially be found guilty of kidnapping.

DeSantis has been an outspoken critic of Democrat President Joe Biden’s failing immigration policies amid the crisis at the southern border.

In 2022, the Republican sent two planes transporting dozens of illegal immigrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, a playground of the wealthy elite, including former President Barack Obama.

Those planes were also in response to the Biden administration’s policies.

He was later sued over the incident by Florida state Sen. Jason Pizzo, a Democrat.

However, a federal judge ultimately dismissed the case.

The arrival of the second plane of immigrants comes shortly after another chartered flight carrying 16 illegal border crossers originally from Venezuela and Colombia landed in California on Friday.

The aliens had illegally entered the country through Texas.

The immigrants were reportedly transported by bus from El Paso to New Mexico.

They then boarded the free flight to the “sanctuary city” of Sacramento and were dropped off outside a church, according to Newsom and immigration advocates.

Last month, DeSantis last month signed the “toughest” illegal immigration bill in the country.

Under the new legislation, $12 million was allocated to continue the Unauthorized Alien Transport Program to relocate illegal immigrants to so-called sanctuary states.

The bill also enhances penalties for human smuggling.

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1 year ago


1 year ago

I think the small minded “it” is Newsom himself!! What a moronic excuse of a human being????????

1 year ago

CA is a sanctuary state. FL follows the law. I don’t see why Newsome is whining.

1 year ago

Communist California declared itself a “sanctuary state” awhile ago in violation of US immigration law, mind you (eg, 8 USC 1324).. Gov. DeSantis is just obliging Gov. Newsom with volunteer “sanctuary seekers’ who wanted to take Newsom up on his offer. Of course, Newsom (CA), Hochul (NY), other Democratic governors of “sanctuary states” and the Biden Admin are all guilty of violating US immigration law which includes violations that are felonies.