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WATCH: Transgender Pastor Compares Nashville School Shooter To Jesus Christ

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“A transgender pastor from North Dakota has compared the treatment of Nashville shooter Audrey Hale to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ less than a week after the twisted killer murdered six people, including three nine-year-old children,” The Daily Mail reports.

From The Daily Mail, “Wild moment transgender North Dakota pastor claims Nashville school shooter has been treated like Jesus being CRUCIFIED… after gunman shot dead six including two children”:

Micah Louwagie, who goes by they/them pronouns, was recently installed as the pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Fargo, and delivered their first Easter-themed sermon to a small congregation on April 2.

Officials are yet to release a motive for the slaying of victims Hallie Scruggs, William Kinney, Evelyn Dieckhaus, all 9, and headmistress Dr. Katherine Koonce, 60, substitute teacher Cynthia Peak, 61, and chef Mike Hill, 61 when Hale opened fire last week at The Covenant School.

Footage of the sermon shows Louwagie reading the Biblical account of the crucifixion followed immediately by the massacre at The Covenant School in Nashville.

‘Instead of focusing on ways this could’ve been prevented, such as gun control, a significant number of people have turned their attention to the shooter’s identity,’ the pastor said.

‘Instead of focusing on the number one cause of child death in this country is now gunshot wounds.

‘Some folks have tried to focus on eradicating trans people as a solution, because they have been waiting, just waiting for an opportunity such as this. They’ve been waiting for a reason, any reason to stoke their hatred.’

The pastor goes on to slam ‘allies’ who abandon or ‘betray’ transgender people likening that to Jesus’ disciples who fled when he was arrested.

‘Marginalized folks, those of us with the least amount of privilege and power, they need those who have more privilege and power than they do to physically place their bodies between them and the people, powers and institutions that are literally killing them,’ Louwagie said in the shocking sermon.

As they continued to speak to the small congregation, the pastor went on to compare the Pharisees’ treatment of Jesus to politicians who make laws against drag shows and transgender players in sport – which has become a hot button issue across America.

‘Those leaders were looking for any excuse, valid or not, to crucify Jesus and they found that reason,’ Louwagie said.

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1 year ago

No such animal as a Transgender pastor of JESUS!!!
So whatever was said was straight out of satans mouth!!!

Not even gonna read it!

Proud American
Proud American
1 year ago

The mentally “SICK” such as this so called “pastor” are the standard bearers of “SATAN” who was thrown out of HEAVEN into the FIRES of HELL because of his wickedness and his demanding that he be declared the GOD of all mankind. Since them Satan has caused total destruction against GOD’s creations. Witness the Temptation of EVE and the strife that he has caused mankind since.

1 year ago

I use the pronoun ‘it’ as classification of one that is mentally ill. That’s what ‘it’ is. No sane person with a brain and beating heart can justify the murder of innocent children. The left is responsible for promoting this insanity.

1 year ago

I disagree with this Pastor’s assessment. The transgender individual murdered 6 INNOCENT people. 6 lives plus all of their family members were horrifically altered. Just because a person feels marginalized does not give them the right to murder. I have views and many of us do, that I could find a stadium of people who don’t agree with me but no matter how angry I am, I must deal with that. Jesus Himself holds us accountable for any anger, rage, bitterness or hatred we carry. He understands our torment but expects us to take that to Him for forgiveness and for healing. He does not condone taking out our rage on the innocent or anyone who doesn’t see things our way. When will people not understand that the voice of the innocent is more important than the voice of the murderer. No issue, however much it cuts us deeply justifies murdering 6 people. NO ISSUE. It is time to hold people accountable for thinking they can make others see the same as them. Love allows differences.

John Contos
1 year ago

Jesus never killed anyone let alone Children this follower of Satan will without doubt burn in hell.

Seamus O’Bryan
Seamus O’Bryan
1 year ago

And the COWARDLY, WHITE CHRISTIANS will all say “Ooh!” and “AH!” and

There is no “White Genocide”, morons!
Only “White Suicide”!

Seamus O’Bryan
Seamus O’Bryan
1 year ago

Back in 2019, I said the world as we knew it was coming to an end because of the mighty conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn!
Every moron on Internet laughed at me!
After the conjunction, of course, came the Bio-Weapon Covid19, the so called Pandemic and Lockdown, then the Queers, Trannies and Pedophiles “suddenly”
became “normal” while Negroes “suddenly” became “oppressed” and deserved
Laughing now, morons!?
Now, in July, Pluto will reach the same degree that the mighty conjunction was in and the work of Satan will be finished!
So LAUGH, morons!
In July, I will be the one laughing!