

WATCH: 12-Year-Old White Boy Strangled by Black Girl on School Bus in Virginia — School Does NOTHING

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A Fort Belvoir mom has released shocking video of her 12-year-old son being “strangled” by a girl twice his size on a school bus in Virginia and claims her son’s abuser only received a slap on the wrist.


From WUSA 9, “VIDEO: Boy choked on school bus, mother demands consequences”:

Taylor Brock said her son was captured on cell phone video being choked by a female classmate on a school bus from Walt Whitman Middle School in Alexandria.

In the one-minute video, the girl could be seen smacking her son and grabbing him by the mouth. There was a brief exchange between the two before she grabs him by the neck. Seconds later, the girl appeared to be choking him against the seat.

“My son came home crying, and I saw the marks on his neck,” Brock said. “It breaks my heart that there are all these kids on the bus and not one decided to stand up.”

The incident happened in late January, but she posted the video through her business website on Monday. She said the response from the school to keep her child safe has been inadequate.

Brock said she not only pressed charges but had a Fairfax County judge grant a protective order against the girl earlier this month.

“When I got my son a two year protection order, the Judge who saw this video and pictures asked if the girl still attended the school to which I replied ‘yes,'” Brock said on her website. “The Judge was confused and asked if the school knows about this event and if they understand the severity and gravity of what happened. I asked the school why they thought suspension was enough for strangulation to which they replied, ‘We have protocols we have to follow and execute punishment according to the School’s Code of Conduct.'”

“They can’t create a safe environment for our kids if they sweep these violent acts under the rug, hoping no one hears about them,” Brock said.

Brock also shared photos of the marks left on her son’s neck from the abuse.

It strikes me that if the girl in this situation had (falsely) claimed her son cut one of her dreadlocks it would make international news as we saw with a viral hate hoax out of Virginia in 2019.

Instead, this vicious abuse is just going to be ignored as we saw with another similar attack in Homestead, Florida earlier this month.

From Information Liberation - READ ORIGINAL

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1 year ago

Diversity in action. Look what their doing to our kids with this lie.

1 year ago

it’s only going to get WORSE!!!

1 year ago

If this was my kid or grandkid niece or nephew that bastard black white hispanic asian etc would be pushing up daisies. That the school district did nothing figured hey whites can be abused but if you look at a JB the wrong way the white is in the wrong.
Where the hell was the school bus driver, he can see whats going on most buses today have CCTV. driver should have hit the 911 button and pulled over.
Thank GOD for cell phones.
as for this JB expelled from all public school home school this creature or better put it down like a rabid animal.
Mark my words this black bastard will kill before he it she is 21 yrs of age!

1 year ago

White people pull your kids off of buses and public schools. Go to home schooling or charter or parohical schools. Better education and safety.
As for public schools no more taxes can be collected from those families who are not using the public union controlled school systems.