

Democrats Introduce Bill That Would Make It A CRIME For White People To ‘Criticize Non-White People’… And It Just Might Pass

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Are you white?  Have you every criticized a non-white person?  Well, if the Democrats get their way,  you could soon be living in a 8 by 6 foot jail cell for doing just that.

Democratic congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas has introduced a bill to the House aimed at making it a crime for white people to criticize non-white people.

Lee’s bill, the “Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023,” says that white people would be found to have engaged in a “white supremacy inspired hate crime” if their criticism of “any non-White person or group” was published on social media or “read, heard or viewed by a person who engaged in the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of a white supremacy inspired hate crime.”

In short, any white person could be found guilty of a hate crime if their criticism of non-whites was found to have any connection to another white person’s “white supremacy inspired hate crime.”

The bill would effectively eliminate the First Amendment for white people in the name of fighting “white supremacy” and the “mythical falsehood” known as “replacement theory.”

You can read the bill in full below:

I applaud Lee for making the Democrats’ intentions crystal clear by advancing such a straightforward bill to eliminate white people’s First Amendment rights.

The Anti-Defamation League’sDomestic Terrorism Prevention Act” has the same intent but it is not nearly as straightforward.

Lee is not alone in her views.

Last month, Maryland Senator Ben Cardin said during a hearing on anti-Semitism that espousing “hate” is “not protected under the First Amendment.”

“If you espouse hate, if you espouse violence, you’re not protected under the First Amendment,” Cardin falsely claimed. “I think we can be more aggressive in the way that we handle that type of use of the internet.”

I wonder if Cardin will sponsor Lee’s bill in the Senate?

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James Herman
James Herman
1 year ago

Hate is an emotion. One cannot legislate emotions, but give credit to the pathetic, liberal, racist pieces of $hit in this country to try…

Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger
1 year ago

Today it sounds like an outrageous affront to the First Amendment that could never become law, but the “Green New Deal” was entirely laughable when it was first announced, too. Make no mistake; this is exactly where we’re headed unless some drastic action changes things in this country. White genocide soon to follow. White people pose the only real threat to the globalists’ plans, because everyone else is much more easily controlled.

1 year ago

Pass what???
It’s un-constitutional on every level!!!

All lives Matters
All lives Matters
1 year ago

Typical for a black person and racists to enter, deuce a bill like this, but I will never change peoples opinion that they have

Leslie Jean Holker
Leslie Jean Holker
1 year ago

Does that go both ways, because Racism is a two-way street. BTW, does that also include actions? Because cities controlled by democrats for decades have destroyed black communities/schools.

1 year ago

if this passes we need a similar law that non whites can not criticize whites. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Actually this goes against our first amendment rights and should NEVER get nothing more than a laugh at Lee and any co-sponsors.

Lady T
Lady T
1 year ago

People like shelia jackson lee should realize, that the very people she hates the most, are the very people who put their lives in mortal danger and the lives of their children in danger too to bring freedom for people like shelia jackson lee and her family.

Whether shelia likes it or not, she would not hold the position that she has, if not for WHITE PEOPLE. Maybe, she wouldn’t have even been born had those very WHITE PEOPLE not risked their lives for her grandparents and parents when her family need us most.

I guarantee her, that her great grandparents were grateful for the kindness of WHITE PEOPLE who paved the way for their freedom! I guarantee you, her grandparents would be smacking her upside the head for her lack of gratitude and ignorance of the true history of this country and all the WHITE PEOPLE who died trying to bring freedom & prosperity to her and her family.


I’m really sorry if that offends some of your sensibilities but it’s just a fact.

Remember the underground railroad? Who do you think helped the slaves find freedom? WHITE PEOPLE! Who broke up the KKK in the early to mid 1960’s? WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!!!

Shelia should educate herself to the name of Michael Desmond Sadewhite who was drafted into the FBI as an informant, shortly after getting out of the army. He was drafted by the local sheriff in Wilmington Delaware.

The mission was to infiltrate the Klu Klux Klan and break it up. In those days the KKK was a very powerful militia. Mike and his wife did as they were asked to do and indeed infiltrated the KKK. Mike rose to several high level positions including Kleagle and became the media mouth piece for the Klu Klux Klan. Mike was up for Grand Dragon when he was exposed by a man named Harry Jones Jr. who was the star reporter for the Kansas City Star newspaper.

When Mike was exposed by Harry, a hit was put out on the whole family by two hit men hired by members of the Klan out of Independence Mo..

The family broke up. Mike disappeared. The wife and two children fled to California. One of the hit men hailing from Independence MO followed the mother and children to California. He took up residence in San Diego and Riverside county. ( I say one, because there were two hit men hired to kill the family)

In 1968, the hit man that followed the mother and children to California, began to make 3am phone calls threatening the mother and children. He claimed he was the “zodiac killer” and that he would be “seeing her around”. Released Washington documents later stated that this man was indeed being investigated for being the zodiac killer and the investigators believed this man actually was indeed the zodiac killer.

Maybe, shelia should also educate herself about a Jewish man named Daniel Burros who was assassinated by an army sniper hired to kill him when it was exposed that not only was he working for the FBI to help bring down the KKK but that he was JEWISH!!! Of course, it was dubbed a suicide but documents later released under the freedom of information act included the snipers name, military rank and location from where he fired the bullet that killed Daniel Burros.

Shelia jackass lee and all the other racist blacks that are ignorant of the true history of this country and the truth that it was WHITE AND JEWISH PEOPLE WHO FREED THEIR ANCESTORS so that ALL people could be free, should be THANKING WHITE PEOPLE instead of HATING WHITE PEOPLE.. Shelia, and all those like her, are a disgrace and they are doing a disservice to future black children for generations to come.

America is NOT A RACIST COUNTRY. People like Shelia Jackson Lee ARE… We had a black president and first lady! The head of our military was a black man! What about Condilizza Rice? What color was she and didn’t she hold one of the highest positions in this country? What about Shelia? Isn’t she black? Doesn’t SHE… hold a high level position in politics?… BUT WHITE PEOPLE AND WHITE AMERICA ARE RACIST… ??? Only a very sick, misguided and brainwashed mind would believe such a STUPID and factually UNTRUE thing.

If America is the racist country that people like shelia jackass lee claim it is… Shelia, would NOT HOLD THE POSITION SHE HOLDS AND AMERICA WOULD HAVE NEVER HAD A BLACK PRESIDENT!!! This isn’t rocket science folks.

The well is being poisoned by people like Shelia Jackson Lee and all those that follow her racist hatred. May God forgive shelia for her selfish short sidedness and her selfish sacrifice of future generations of black children whom, like Martin Luther King… Just want to live in a world where we ALL are FREE and WE ALL GET ALONG!

1 year ago
Reply to  Lady T

Excellent, but these people don’t want your common sense, they want CONTROL.

Lady T
Lady T
1 year ago

People like shelia jackson lee should realize, that the very people she hates the most, are the very people who put their lives in mortal danger and the lives of their children in danger too to bring freedom for people like shelia jackson lee and her family.

Whether shelia likes it or not, she would not hold the position that she has, if not for WHITE PEOPLE. Maybe, she wouldn’t have even been born had those very WHITE PEOPLE not risked their lives for her grandparents and parents when her family need us most.

I guarantee her, that her great grandparents were grateful for the kindness of WHITE PEOPLE who paved the way for their freedom! I guarantee you, her grandparents would be smacking her upside the head for her lack of gratitude and ignorance of the true history of this country and all the WHITE PEOPLE who died trying to bring freedom & prosperity to her and her family.


I’m really sorry if that offends some of your sensibilities but it’s just a fact.

Remember the underground railroad? Who do you think helped the slaves find freedom? WHITE PEOPLE! Who broke up the KKK in the early to mid 1960’s? WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!!!

Shelia should educate herself to the name of Michael Desmond Sadewhite who was drafted into the FBI as an informant, shortly after getting out of the army. He was drafted by the local sheriff in Wilmington Delaware.

The mission was to infiltrate the Klu Klux Klan and break it up. In those days the KKK was a very powerful militia. Mike and his wife did as they were asked to do and indeed infiltrated the KKK. Mike rose to several high level positions including Kleagle and became the media mouth piece for the Klu Klux Klan. Mike was up for Grand Dragon when he was exposed by a man named Harry Jones Jr. who was the star reporter for the Kansas City Star newspaper.

When Mike was exposed by Harry, a hit was put out on the whole family by two hit men hired by members of the Klan out of Independence Mo..

The family broke up. Mike disappeared. The wife and two children fled to California. One of the hit men hailing from Independence MO followed the mother and children to California. He took up residence in San Diego and Riverside county. ( I say one, because there were two hit men hired to kill the family)

In 1968, the hit man that followed the mother and children to California, began to make 3am phone calls threatening the mother and children. He claimed he was the “zodiac killer” and that he would be “seeing her around”. Released Washington documents later stated that this man was indeed being investigated for being the zodiac killer and the investigators believed this man actually was indeed the zodiac killer.

Maybe, shelia should also educate herself about a Jewish man named Daniel Burros who was assassinated by an army sniper hired to kill him when it was exposed that not only was he working for the FBI to help bring down the KKK but that he was JEWISH!!! Of course, it was dubbed a suicide but documents later released under the freedom of information act included the snipers name, military rank and location from where he fired the bullet that killed Daniel Burros.

Shelia jackass lee and all the other racist blacks that are ignorant of the true history of this country and the truth that it was WHITE AND JEWISH PEOPLE WHO FREED THEIR ANCESTORS so that ALL people could be free, should be THANKING WHITE PEOPLE instead of HATING WHITE PEOPLE.. Shelia is a disgrace and is doing a disservice to future black children.

America is NOT A RACIST COUNTRY. People like Shelia Jackson Lee ARE… We had a black president and first lady! The head of our military was a black man! What about Condilizza Rice? What color was she and didn’t she hold one of the highest positions in this country? What about Shelia? Isn’t she black? Doesn’t SHE… hold a high level position in politics?… BUT WHITE PEOPLE AND WHITE AMERICA IS RACIST… ??? Only a very sick, misguided and brainwashed mind would believe such a thing.

If America is the racist country that people like shelia jackass lee claim it is… Shelia, would NOT HOLD THE POSITION SHE HOLDS AND AMERICA WOULD HAVE NEVER HAD A BLACK PRESIDENT!!! This isn’t rocket science folks.

The well is being poisoned by people like this jackass lady and all those that follow her racist hatred. May God forgive shelia for her selfish short sidedness and her selfish sacrifice of future generations of black children whom, like Martin Luther King… Just want to live in a world where we ALL are FREE and WE ALL GET ALONG!

1 year ago

I think she should be tied to a poll and horse whipped this is a show of racism . They can criticize us but us not them right this is the total ignorence of governence In this country!!! If that bikk passed all hell should break lose if people would grow a set of nuts.

1 year ago

Where the hell did my post go

1 year ago

So you people that are censoring this shit want this to happen you communist bastards

1 year ago

Why the fuck do you ask for our opinion if you are to much if a communist ass kisser to leave the post up. Freedom of speech mother fuckers

1 year ago

Fuck you sons of bitches the best part of you ran down your mother leg

1 year ago
Reply to  Meme

Breath deeply and relax, your enemies aren’t here. Channel your anger towards those that deserve it. Peace!!!

1 year ago

Amazing.  Even with a new congress, stupid still exist.  
Yes, I fear it will take at least 10 yrs to clean the swamp of the crooks,
and another 20 yrs to get rid of all the stupid.

1 year ago

Could hate speech be re-defined as any and all dissenting viewpoints? Can hate speech be expanded to include mannerism’s, cultural identities, or other socially unacceptable norms? Where does one draw the line to acceptable behavior? Will the definition of hate speech be fluid, always changing the “goal posts”. What about vast religious differences in a cohesive society? How would the differing religiously held beliefs be normalized under strict hate speech laws?

1 year ago