
Uncovering The Satanic Panic: Florida (Part 1: Tampa)

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This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.

This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.


There are two things I want to prove by doing this series:

The first is to prove to you that satanic ritual abuse(SRA) happens everywhere. I am starting this series in Tampa, Florida. However, I hope to cover every state and then go more international! If you want your state/county to be covered then please let me know by leaving a comment.

Now secondly I want to prove that the majority of cases in the era known as the “Satanic Panic” were eventually covered up and haven’t been solved to this day!

If you missed my article on SRA covered up in St. Louis, you could find that here.

Lastly, please share! That’s all that I’m asking from you! It takes me lots of time to research and write these articles! I’m not out for fame or money, all I want is the truth to be shared so that many who are trapped may one day be freed from these horrific crimes! Do your part! Let’s bring these criminals to justice!

Let’s begin!

My sources will end up being shared the same way as I did in my St. Louis article. Many of these newspapers that I’ve located come from archives that to access you need a subscription. So I’ll link where I got these articles and then insert images of the newspaper sources at the end. (source)

We’ll start near Tampa, in Polk County, where police find an alleged satanic temple where rituals were being done including disturbing grave sites and cats being hanged from trees. The whistleblowers that came forward were threatened by the group if they told anyone.

An article from the Tampa Tribune in 1988 states that there are more than 1 million people practicing Satanism and that satanic rituals are common within these groups. One woman confessed that she killed two families and 40 herds of cattle in satanic rituals. Tampa police say that they’re also investigating “breeders” those women that have babies for these satanic groups in secret so that there is no record of them when they “go missing”. Police say that while it is extremely difficult to locate “breeders” they say that “breeders” are in every major city.

In another story in the same paper, police report a teenager who killed his mother in the name of Satan, as she was stabbed 40 times and her throat was slit. The 19-year-old told cops that he’d been practicing satanism for about 4 years. On the same day, another story was reported. Sean Sellers, a teenager who was involved in satanism claimed he drank urine and blood to give him demonic strength. He went on to kill his parents and another worker in a convenience store. He claimed that he was looking for a place to fit in, and that place was at the altar of Satan.

Police warn that these rituals happen in abandoned buildings, fields, forests, private homes, etc. Many of these groups are coined the term “covens”. Many have claimed to be affiliated with the groups “The Temple of Set” and “The Church of Satan”

In April 1989, Richard Seese, a member of the National Guard and former school teacher was arrested for possession of photos of young girls in sex scenes and satanic rituals. Police found a 15-year-old runaway in his apartment and the girl explained to police of being a participant in bondage sex and satanic ritual abuse. After searching Seese’s apartment, police found 95 more photographs.

In 1997, three youths were caught desecrating multiple gravestones for a satanic ritual. One of them later was arrested for killing his grandmother’s cat with a hammer and a screwdriver.

In 1994, a social worker details horrific activities done by satanic cults. Kelduyn Garland, executive director of the Lakeland-based Relationships, Personal Loss, and Grief Clinic claimed that children were being sexually, physically, and mentally abused by leaders of satanic groups. One of the horrific activities done by these groups is sacrificing and eating babies. Garland claimed that the purpose behind such cults and rituals is to breed fear into children to become indoctrinated into the cult. Garland said that girls recruited into the cults are sexually abused from early childhood and on and are impregnated by members. She said that offspring become “the property of the cult”. She went on to say that the process of bring new initiatives into the fold is a gradual one. They may first just participate in seemingly harmless ceremonies, and then move on to drinking blood and sacrificing humans and animals. Garland also said memories of such abuse don’t surface until the victims reach adulthood because children bury their scars deep in the memories. When asked if satanic ritual abuse exists, garland replies that it does and that they are happening in Polk County.

Lastly, in an article more recent from 2012 warns that owners of black cats around Halloween should keep their cats hidden because thieves might come to take them to use them in satanic rituals.

That’s all I’m going to be reporting on today. Remember, if you want your state/county done then let me know! Lastly, please share!

This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.

This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.


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1 year ago

It is happening everywhere & more so today then ever!
Also these people seek out power positions in government and police forces!
They love symbolism so pay attention, when you meet somone !

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

I ran across a few of them in Wisconsin (early 1980s). Their powers are real, but negated by the cross.

1 year ago

I just find this article to be laughable. What I don’t find laughable is that something called “The Satanic Temple” would attract nut-job followers. If there are 1m members of this…what?…. religion? (not really), club?, political action group?…. it is statistically likely there would be a handful of actual murderers, rapists, thieves, etc. in the group. And of course if you get caught, it’s for sure plausible you could argue “the devil made me do it.” (!!!)

This all sounds like the “Elders of Zion” nonsense that anti-Jew groups spread.

Finally, any and every group that is controversial is filled with FBI operatives and thus would have been shut down by now.

1 year ago

Let’s get this straight: the 7 tenets of this group are all reasonable, peaceful and could have been spoken by Jesus Christ. Their political action programs seem quite mainstream. So you join up and find out they run around hanging cats, and digging up graveyards. Not only is this inconsistent with their tenets, it’s….well… childish, petty, and pointless. Maybe some could swallow this, but most would just quit once they find out this stuff is going on.

But on top of that we are to believe they breed babies to kill and eat??!!! Where have we heard this kind of claim before? Oh, that would be the Elders of Zion, a totally discredited form of anti-Semitism.

I could care less about Satanism and this “Satanic Temple” isn’t even really Satanism to begin with. It’s a spoof. This article takes seriously something that’s not worthy of even writing about.