
NBC Claims, Without Proof Or Explanation, Voter ID Laws ‘Disproportionately’ Impact Transgender People

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NBC News aired a segment on Wednesday claiming, with no evidence, that so-called “transgender people” are “disproportionately” impacted by laws requiring a form of identification in order to vote.

As reported by Fox News, the segment with hosts Joe Fryer and Savannah Sellers claimed that the issue should most affect “Generation Z” voters, with Sellers declaring that “transgender voters are concerned they might be blocked from casting their ballots.”

“A growing number of states are enforcing stricter voter identification laws that disproportionally impact the community,” Sellers continued.

The two then talked to Jo Yurcaba, a reporter for NBC’s LGBTQ-themed subsection, NBC OUT, about alleged “obstacles for transgender people.”

“Voter ID laws disproportionately impact trans people, because trans people are more likely to have IDs without the name they go by and the gender marker that reflects how they present,” Yurcaba claimed. “In [sic] the states that have the strictest voter ID laws are mostly concentrated in the South and Midwest. You know, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Kansas, the voters there are going to be most affected.”

Fryer went on to baselessly claim that “being transgender while actually voting can be dangerous,” citing the claims of just one person who said that “people around him were looking at him suspiciously because they saw that he had been flagged by poll workers.”

“It is incredibly dangerous for trans-people both due to the waves of anti-trans legislation that we’ve seen, but also in states like Tennessee where we have seen five anti-trans bills become law last year,” Yurcaba continued. “The combination of the two make that kind of thing at the polls dangerous for trans voters.”

Yurcaba was referring to numerous bills that have passed into law in Republican-controlled states in response to the rise of radical transgender activism, where activists have demanded that “trans” people be allowed to compete in sports with the opposite gender, use restrooms and locker rooms of their choice, and be free to undergo life-altering “gender transition” surgeries and other procedures without their parents’ consent, among other radical measures. Such bills, like voter ID laws, have proven popular with the general population in order to protect children from sexual grooming, as well as to protect girls’ sports and other activities from being invaded by biological men.

Transgenderism, formally known as “gender dysphoria,” is a mental disorder that has nevertheless given rise to the scientifically-debunked belief that there are more than two genders, and that anyone can just decide their gender at any time.

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1 year ago

Hopefully so will the militarys

Last edited 1 year ago by John
1 year ago

Without proof or explanation pretty much explains how the “mainstream” media works

1 year ago

Seeing how transgenders are mentally Ill, they should Not be allowed to vote!!!