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DOJ Now Targeting Peter Navarro For Exact ‘Crime’ They Let Hillary Get Away With

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The document wars continue…

In the never-ending witch hunt against President Trump and his allies, the Department of Justice is requesting that a judge force Peter Navarro into handing over his emails from his time in the Trump administration.

Navarro, who has previously been targeted by the F.B.I., is alleged to have used an unofficial account to conduct official business—something which seems to be standard in Washington…

Sources claim that under the Presidential Records Act, all of those communications were supposed to be copied to an official government account within 20 days of sending/receiving them and then handed over to the President once Navarro’s tenure was done.

Navarro has always complied with the government’s requests, despite their treatment of him.

Here’s what we currently know:

The Hill reports:

“There is no genuine dispute of fact that Dr. Navarro used at least one unofficial email account to conduct official business, that those records are the property of the United States, and that Dr. Navarro has refused to return the records to the United States,” the Justice Department said in the recent filing that asked the judge for an immediate ruling in its favor. “Indeed, his counsel has expressly admitted as much.”

Just The News adds:

Navarro allegedly used “at least one non-official email account” to send and receive messages while working in the White House, according to the department. However, he didn’t copy those emails and messages to his government email account within the 20-day requirement of the law, the department alleged.

The emails were in regards to needing ventilators, creating and using National-Guard-based rapid response teams and using hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19.

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1 year ago

Who’s Doj?
We don’t care what that doood has to say!
He’s a douchbag POS.