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FBI Informant In Whitmer Case Just Dropped A Bomb On FBI’s Involvement In Jan 6

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An FBI informant in the kidnapping case of Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer has exposed some bombastic claims about the agency’s actions on Jan. 6, 2021,  that fateful day at the US Capitol in DC when gigantic crowds of supporters from all over the country tried to show their support of President Donald J. Trump and their concerns over a bizarre election, the month before.

The informant claims that the Michigan State Police were asked to let protesters into the Capitol on Jan 6th. If that is true, it could explode back on all of the people who have been demonizing President Trump and his supporters and trying to frame them a narrative that the attendees of the supportive rallies for Trump, were all crazy and violent.

“Whitmer, a Democrat, blamed then-President Donald Trump for stoking mistrust and fomenting anger over coronavirus restrictions and refusing to condemn hate groups and right-wing extremists like those charged in the plot,” the AP reported recently.

Trump recently called the Whitmer kidnapping scheme a “fake deal.”

Here is how they are connected:

“Many have wondered about the sketchy plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Monday, a jury heard from an informant in the case. A retrial is taking place for two suspects who were accused of involvement in the plot after a previous jury was unable to reach a verdict. Two others were acquitted,” Biz Pac review wrote about the case that forced FBI information to come forward,” Biz Pac review said.

According to sources, the FBI informant is named Dan Chappel, 35, a former U.S. Army veteran who served in Iraq. He is testifying concerning his involvement with the Wolverine Watchmen, the group at the center of the case. He was at a protest at the Michigan Capitol on April 30, 2020, against the COVID lockdowns, where he claims the FBI openly called for police to let protesters into the building, according to Red State. Bizarrely, the two defendants are not members of the Watchmen.

Ken Bensinger, a journalist, reported on the details about Chappel on Twitter:

In his tweets, Bensinger reported:

NEW: According to an FBI informant, the Michigan State Police allowed armed protesters into the Capitol in Lansing on April 30, 2020, at the specific request of the FBI, which wanted to “de-escalate” the situation.

Dan Chappel, a confidential human source n the Gov. Whitmer kidnapping case, testified just now that he alerted his FBI handlers that he was concerned members of the Wolverine Watchmen, an armed militant group he had infiltrated, was preparing for violence outside the building.

Chappel wore a wire with a live transmitter. Less than a dozen Watchmen were at the event, but in the end hundreds of protestors were allowed into the building. Although the presence of the protestors in the Capitol was disruptive, there was no violence in the end.

Chappel is currently testifying in the retrial of two men accused of plotting to kidnap Whitmer (Adam Fox & Barry Croft, neither of whom were members of the Watchmen). Under cross, he is describing his actions to monitor the group during the spring and summer of 2020

His concern, he told Fox’s defense attorney, was that the Watchmen might assault the building. Coincidentally, Fox was at the event that day, but not with the Watchmen, whom he would not meet until June of 2020.

Chappel said he used his live wire to tell his handlers that the Watchmen were discussing their desire to take violent action and storm the building. According to his testimony, it was his warning that convinced the FBI to ask the MSP to open the doors.

The Associated Press reported on Chappel as well, saying “Chappel, an Army veteran who hauls mail, explained to jurors how he joined a paramilitary group, the Wolverine Watchmen, early in 2020 to maintain his gun skills and meet people who supported gun rights. He said he turned to the FBI when talk turned to killing police.

“They were training to target law enforcement to kill them,” he testified. “I had no idea what these individuals were capable of.”

The AP pulled details together and reported: “Buzzfeed’s Ken Bensinger is reporting that Chappel was wearing a wire for the FBI while in the Capitol. That means there was at least one FBI informant allegedly planted at the protest and there were probably others. Chappel told his handlers that he feared the protest outside would get violent. That was when the FBI reportedly asked Michigan State Police to let people into the building to “de-escalate” the situation.”

As that fact comes to light, it makes people wonder how many other events the FBI has infiltrated. A good bet is a whole bunch of them.

Most people would contend letting the protesters into the building would not “de-escalate” the situation but instead, do the exact opposite. Fortunately, things reportedly did not get violent that day.

The post FBI Informant Comes Out Of Hiding And Drops Bombshell On The FBI appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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1 year ago

We do not need the FBI. Each state has it’s own state bureau of investigation.

1 year ago
Reply to  noname

Absolutely. The FBI needs to be dismantled.

Buck O'Fama
Buck O'Fama
1 year ago

Release the patriot political prisoners.

1 year ago
Reply to  Buck O'Fama

We should be able to indict whomever was involved in putting these patriots in prison without a speedy trial. It’s against the law to do such a thing.

1 year ago

Well well the FBI is becoming just like BRAIN ROT BIDEN can’t believe anything they say or do. The organization has gone completely ROGUE!

1 year ago

sue the heck out of the f b i

1 year ago


1 year ago

We must clean house from the top down at FBI, DOJ, DOD, CIA etc. Each of these bastards is a TRAITOR to AMERICA and each deserves the proper punishment we give to Traitors. This also includes every politician and judge who has violated their oath.

1 year ago

After reading this I am more convinced that ever that the people that have been in jail, in solitary confinement for over a year, ALL need to be released. To me the only Violence that took place was the guard that shot the un armed woman, Ashley Babbit. The FBI let them in at Piglosis request so she would have something else to blame President Trump for. What a Witch.

1 year ago

I don’t know about the dismantling of the F.B.I. because that would have the same effect as defunding the police. There seems to be a problem with the higher ups in the F.B.I. though. Maybe weeding out those people that give the stupid orders would be the way to go.