

Liz Cheney Unveils Her Delusional Plan To Get Donald Trump Arrested To Keep Him From Running In 2024

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Soon-to-be EX-Congressman Liz Cheney has revealed her delusional plan to keep Donald Trump from running for President in 2024: Get the Jan 6 Committee to arrest him.

“Ultimately the Justice Department will decide that,” the J6 vice chair told ABC’s Jon Carl, referring to plans to refer Trump for criminal prosecution over his role in the January 6 protests.

“What kind of man knows that a mob is armed and sends the mob to attack the Capitol and further incites that mob when his own vice president is under threat, when the Congress is under threat?” Cheney said.

“I have greater concern about what it would mean if people weren’t held accountable for what’s happened here,” Cheney added.

“I think it’s a much graver constitutional threat if a president can engage in these kinds of activities and the majority of the president’s party looks away or we as a country decide, you know, we’re not actually going to take our constitutional obligation seriously.” reports: When asked if the January 6 Committee will possibly criminally refer Trump to the DOJ, Cheney responded in the affirmative.

“Yes,” Cheney said. “The Justice Department doesn’t have to wait for the Committee to make the criminal referral – there could be more than one criminal referral.”


Jon Karl played a previous clip of Cheney saying, ‘Trump can never be anywhere near the Oval Office again’ and asked her if her goal is to keep Trump from getting back into the White House.

“There’s no question: A man as dangerous as Donald Trump can absolutely never be anywhere near the Oval Office ever again,” Cheney said.

Cheney pushed back on Jon Karl and said the goal of the January 6 hearings is to “make sure that the American people understand what happened.”

Sure it is.


When asked about Cheney’s comments on ABC’s “This Week” on the committee’s possible criminal referrals — and prosecution of Trump, Adam Schiff told host Margaret Brennan that he agreed with Cheney.

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Nick Sardegna
Nick Sardegna
2 years ago

We are a representative Republic. Though we have some elements of democracy within our system of government. We remain a republic a representative Republic the power lies with the people who send the representative.

2 years ago

Diz chenfuck rino. Should be dragged out and hanged. Dismembered. And thrown in the dump

2 years ago

Don’t know which one is crazier, Liz Chaney or Adam Schiff. Hopefully, both of them will no longer be in government soon. It is a sickness to have such hate in your heart for another human being.

2 years ago

lizzy, lizzy, lizzy, STFU you haggard old witch, your so finished your invisible.

2 years ago

Is Cheney wanting to run herself with Jib Bush?

2 years ago

So how come her old man, darth vader, never took her hunting and shot her in the face like he did his own attorney. Did you know folks in the WH mess when Cheny wasVP would turn all of the microwaves on and high to screw with his pacemaker. VOTE THIS BEACH OUT and if not use bungee cord

2 years ago

Of course the sloppy creep Fat Lizzy would choose J Carl who love to hate anything Trump and his fake news outlet.

2 years ago

If we had a doj or fbi that worked for america, lizze would be indicted for subversive actions trying to detroy a fine man who believes in law and order and the constitution not the work commie behavior she presents.

2 years ago

Liz, what in the world did he do or say to your dad that you cannot get over?

2 years ago

We knew this was thier goal!
they keep sayin it, but it never happens!!
When you live in made up fantasy land, thats the way things work out!!!
LIZARD CHANEY, will go down in history as one of the BIGGEST LOSERS of all time!

John BlowD
John Blow
2 years ago

Cheney still doesn’t get it! Why would you deliberately make yourself “Thump’s Public Enemy No:1” Doesn’t she understand that Trump has a huge team investigating everything she has ever said or done in her entire life?

2 years ago
Reply to  John Blow


Rex L Kittle
Rex L Kittle
2 years ago

Funny how sick in the head Cheney is. She seems to think Trump committed a crime when he didn’t. Trump ordered up to 20 thousand National Guard troops to protect the Capital building but speaker of the house said “NO” and so did the major of D.C. What was Trump suppose to do ? Maybe that’s why he wanted the driver to take him to the Capital building ! Get rid of the SWAMP Americans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Does anyone really think that if this “committee” really had any evidence against Donald Trump they wouldn’t have shown it? They keep spinning their wheels trying to find something to stick. The hearings are proof of that. They keep bringing out ‘bombshell” witnesses that have nothing but innuendo hopes against Trump.