

Rep. Boebert Just Ended AOC’s Career With A Brutal Tweet About Her Failed Totalitarian Policies

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Rep. Boebert of Colorado is back at it, this time torching the socialist Rep. AOC of New York for, well, being a crazy socialist whose policies, if implemented, would likely lead to an absolute disaster.

Everyone knows that, as the long history of socialism is one of bloodshed, slavery to the state, and misery so wrenching that even a Medieval peasant or Russian serf would count himself lucky when viewing the state of states like North Korea or the Khmer Rouge.

Unfortunately, however, when Republicans attack socialism generally or individual socialists like AOC or Bernie Sanders specifically, the attacks seem a bit cringe-worthy. They’re not particularly well thought out, interesting, or clever, and are instead just throwbacks to the Cold War despite the Cold War no longer happening.

Not Rep. Boebert. She tore into the miserable, bleak, socialist state of America today with a tweet referencing George Orwell’s 1984 and the grayness of socialist states, saying:

1984 called and they want their bleak, immoral, thuggish and deadly totalitarian dystopian future back.

AOC evidently wasn’t happy with that portrayal of socialism creating such a bleak world, as she tried to fire back at Boebert with an insulting response, saying:

Hey quick question Boebert, did you ask for a pardon after tweeting the Speaker’s location on Jan 6th?

You and the KKK Caucus have been really quiet about it today and given how much y’all have to say I’m not sure why no one’s responding to this simple question

“KKK Caucus”; apparently AOC forgot the Democrat roots of the KKK. Maybe she can ask Hillary Clinton’s mentor and colleague, Richard Byrd, a KKK officer, about it.

Boebert then turned from the general issue of socialism to AOC herself and the bleak future of the Democratic party in a hilarious response, saying:

Ok Sandy, $5 a gallon gas, 3+ million illegals crossing our southern border, no baby formula, inflation higher than it’s been in both of our lifetimes, and this is what you want to talk about?

Your policies are failing America, and you’re going to lose the House come November ????

LOL, what an awesome response, the perfect sort of thing to say to some vapid leftie like AOC.

You’ll notice that Boebert doesn’t spend paragraphs delving into economic policy, use tweet after tweet to point out which polls are showing the GOP or certain GOP candidates doing better in certain states/districts/demographics and why, or any of that.

Rather, she funnily and confidently bashes AOC and the disaster that her party has wrought before stating that the GOP is going to win come November. It’s a confident assertion of fact, not a rambling line about all the different minor points that help her show what she wants to show.

That matters because confidence inspires confidence; were Boebert picking at threads and desperately attempting to force AOC to agree with her about a GOP red wave, that wouldn’t project or inspire confidence in GOP voters. It would look weird and weak, as is normally the case with the GOP establishment.

But a dismissive insult and confident projection of ultimate victory? That inspires confidence in victory and, what’s better, inspires people to start responding in the same manner, something also important for victory.

Boebert wrecked AOC in a hilarious fashion. Good for her. Now let’s all strive to do the same.

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Randall Barfield
Randall Barfield
1 year ago

Rep. Boebert has a new fan/follower– me !!! Viva Rep. Boebert !! Long live Rep. Boebert !! Viva Colorado !! Long live Colorado !!

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
1 year ago

One just cannot make this sh!t up…

1 year ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

SHE just did!

1 year ago

Maybe AOC will pack out for Puerto Narcostan and darken America’s door no more. And, good riddance.

1 year ago

There are still people out there that think Joe Biden is doing a good job. I don’t know what these people are thinking but they exist.