

BREAKING: One Of The Dem’s Key Witnesses For Their Sham Jan 6 Hearings Just BAILED

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It’s just been reported that one of the high profile witnesses for the hack January 6th committee hearing this morning has a family emergency at the last minute:

DC EXAMINER – Former Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, who was set to be one of the higher-profile witnesses at the Jan. 6 committee hearing on Monday, will no longer appear, citing a family emergency.

Instead, a lawyer for Stepien will make a prepared statement on his behalf. The former campaign manager and White House official was compelled to appear under a subpoena from the panel, so it was unclear how forthcoming his testimony was going to be.

It’s not entirely clear what the details surrounding the emergency are, but sources have said his wife went into labor on Monday morning.

Obviously I don’t give a rat’s behind about this phony hearing. It’s the last thing the American people are thinking about while they spend all their money on gas and food.

But I do love the fact that Stepien’s ’emergency’ coincided with the televised hearing today. Anything that gives these Pelosi hacks a problem makes me happy.



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2 years ago

More people should bail out of this complete sham hearing. But even better, so and tell the truth about it. That would kick their asses. Would watch it then, but have not watched either one and will not watch any from now on. I/m sorry Fox caved to them and put it on the air. Sad.

2 years ago

The SHAM Democrat’s

Do thry NOT realize the American Citizens know the Dem Party plus the FBI, CIA , FDA, CDC ..etc are all joined to make US a one party Third World country like Centra & S. America.

2 years ago

These hearings are a complete joke and a HUGE waste of money, to what end? There is no comparison to this sham, to the REAL SHAM that took place in 2020 with no arrests. Get it over with and GET BACK TO WORKING ON THE REAL PROBLEMS IN THIS COUNTRY.

2 years ago

These hearings are a complete joke and a HUGE waste of money, to what end? There is no comparison to this sham, to the REAL SHAM that took place in 2020 with no arrests. Get it over with and GET BACK TO WORKING ON THE REAL PROBLEMS IN THIS COUNTRY.

2 years ago

The thing I don’t understand is why don’t the people that get a subpoena appear and just plead the 5th or don’t recall any of the events. The democrats are good at doing that all the time. So they have to swallow their pride and look like a total idiot but it frustrates the democrats that keep thinking they have something. Maybe give a long statement denouncing the “committee” then plead the fifth. That would make for some interesting tv.