

WATCH: Brazen Thug Attempting To Rape Woman In Middle Of Walmart Gets A Taste Of Florida Justice From Customers

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Even Governor DeSantis’ Florida, it would appear, isn’t safe from the crime wave that has stalked across America like a vicious, hungry wolf in recent months as the soft on crime leftists in the government and media cheer criminals while denigrating police.

That became apparent in the below video, which shows the astounding, brazen attempted rape of a woman in the middle of a Walmart in Miami. Fortunately, Florida isn’t New York and onlookers rushed to the assaulted woman’s rescue, bashing her attacker and saving her from the attempted sexual assault.  Watch here:

Cell phone video captures the moment a man attempted to rape a woman at Walmart on NW 79th Street.

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Luckily, Osvaldo C. was able to step in to stop and help this woman out???? | #ONLYinDADE

So, while the rapist evidently was either crazy or stupid enough to think that he could get away with it, the Florida residents taught him a lesson in civics and beat him to a pulp for assaulting the helpless woman.

After the incident, Bredan Harvey, the 28 year old attacker, was taken into custody by the police and faces a charge of attempted sexual battery.

Police, commenting on what happened, said that Harvey approached the woman from behind, lifted her dress up, and then grabbed her by the private parts while pushing her to the floor of the Walmart and ripping off her underwear.

Fortunately, it was at that point, before things went any farther, that the other Walmart customers were able to rush to her rescue and beat up Harvey, stopping the assault.

Miami-Dade Police Det. Alvaro Zabaleta indicated that there could be more victims when speaking on the issue, saying:

“It wasn’t somewhere isolated. He didn’t care it was in the wide open. Because he was so brazen, investigators feel perhaps he may have done this before, and there may be more victims.”

Thankfully for the woman, Florida is a red state now where those who rush to stop crimes aren’t treated as criminals by the police or sued by the criminals themselves for rushing to the rescue of the victims of violent crimes.

Were this to have occurred in New York or California, where criminals are given far more deference than law-abiding citizens by those in the government more focused on mercy than justice, it’s not hard to imagine onlookers avoiding trouble and just walking to a different aisle while the assault occurred.

Further, because the crime occurred in Florida rather than New York or California, the criminal was held by the police on bond rather than turned back out on the streets to start preying on citizens immediately.

While those factors are great, what’s disgusting and sickening is that things have gotten so bad that thugs like Harvey feel empowered to act on their sick impulses and assault people in broad daylight. Such is not typically what happens in a thriving civilization, but rather a failing and declining one.

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Angel TalaricoD
Angel Talarico
2 years ago

Had this happened in Richland County, SC, all of those coming to the defense of the woman and restraining the perp would have been arrested, received court dates and received large fines while the perp would have been declared ‘not responsible for his actions’.

Oh, by the way, while the defenders were at the county jail waiting to bond out, someone will have notified BLM, who would have shown up en masse at each defender’s residence, knocked out windows and vandalized property while the sheriff’s department stood around and did nothing.

Sheriff Leon Lott and Judge Diedra Hightower are among the most useless individuals in humanity.

2 years ago

glad there are still some more who waant to help

2 years ago

Not enforcing border laws as brandon has failed to remedy will have direct bearing of such incidents. Get that fool and his regime, including obama, out of our govt.

2 years ago

Too bad it wasn’t close to the sporting goods section. I would have grabbed a bat and hit him in his genitals and knee caps.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lindsay
2 years ago
Reply to  Lindsay

Hit a Home Run !

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago
Reply to  Lindsay

Actually in this case it may have been justified if the attacker was shot but I am glad this ended with the attacker behind bars…

2 years ago

Whereas the text says, “Were this to have occurred in New York or California, where criminals are given far more deference than law-abiding citizens by those in the government more focused on mercy than justice…” it should have read, “…more focused on mollycoddling than on righteous judgment.”
HalleluYAH and blessings from Yahuah (KJV: “the LORD”) to those who intervened and stopped the thug from raping the woman, in the Name of our Master Yahusha (“Lord Jesus”), amein & amein!

2 years ago

This is all Trump’s fault. LOL for you leftists who would defend the creep. Taking God out of the schools and the ACLU did this.

2 years ago

Hang it !

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

I was thinking when I saw the headline that a brave Florida person shot the attacker. I hope the police put this scum bag in the general population… There are a lot of criminals behind bars that have a great deal of respect for females, mothers, and sisters. They will apply justice. Job well done by those that came to the victim’s defense!

2 years ago

This is good to see.

Bruce Ross
2 years ago

cut balls off, or shoot in the head…