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Alarming Statement From Jury Forewoman After Sussman Trial Sends Up A Huge Red Flag That Jury Was Tainted

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Special Counsel John Durham lost his case accusing attorney Michael Sussmann of lying to the FBI.

Politico reported that the jury deliberated for about six hours.

From Politico:

The jury deliberated for about six hours before acquitting Michael Sussmann, 57, on the single felony charge he faced: that he lied when he allegedly denied he was acting on behalf of any client in alerting the FBI to claims that a secret server linked Trump and a Moscow bank with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Those watching the case were worried once jury selection began especially after the judge allowed Clinton donors to be seated despite objections from Durham’s team.

One member was a federal employee who admitted they donated to the Democrats in 2016 and another government employee who told the judge they “strongly” disliked former President Trump both claimed they could be impartial.

But it gets even shadier.

U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper’s wife is Lisa Page’s lawyer, and another one of the juror’s children is on the same row team with Sussaman’s kid.

The acquittal was a classic example that the DC elite protecting their own.

Perhaps the biggest red flag of possible corruption was comments made by the forewoman who did not give her name but made a statement.

“Personally, I don’t think it should have been prosecuted because I think we have better time or resources to use or spend to other things that affect the nation as a whole than a possible lie to the FBI. We could spend that time more wisely,” she said.

That doesn’t sound very impartial. 

“The government had the job of proving beyond a reasonable doubt,” she added, declining to give her name. “We broke it down…as a jury. It didn’t pan out in the government’s favor.”

There did appear to be some dissension between jury members. The morning on the day of the acquittal the jury sent Cooper a note asking if they had to agree unanimously on the ground for their verdict. Cooper informed the jury that in order to reach a conviction the jury had to be unanimous but they could acquit if jurors differed.

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2 years ago

no surprises here. No one wants to die

Richard A Potson
2 years ago

Crooked judge.

2 years ago

What did you expect from an Obama judge? They are all crooked!

2 years ago

Wonder if this will cause the entire investigation to come to a screeching halt? Seems they(dems) are grooming the public via the media to believe the Judge and Jury were not at all connectied to the Clinton’s or any other politician or rich person . So they expect you to believe their narrative and therefore there’s nothing else to see here. And there was no fix.

2 years ago

The American people Know..

That is what is important.
Another 2020 Nov 3 by Democrats that no one Trust.

2 years ago

If you are a Democrat you can get away with any criminal act you commit and if you are anyone close to the “TEFLON CLINTONS” you are sure as hell are going to go scot-free!! I hope Flynn wins his case and gets every penny they squeezed out of him plus alot more. Ruining someones reputation is one of the worst sins against humanity!!! So there are a ton of people in D.C. and the government that will have alot to answer for at the “Pearly Gates” This trial was tainted from the very start!!!! There is no justice in your justice system anymore !!!

2 years ago

I guess I had reason to be skeptical of the outcome. I wonder why they didn’t ask for a change of venue, since the jury and judge was all members of the Clinton clique.

2 years ago

hillary will never see prison neither will bill