

WATCH: Bill Gates Giggles While ADMITTING That The Vaccines He’s Pushing DON’T WORK

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Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and self-proclaimed world health czar, couldn’t help but laugh as he revealed Covid-19 vaccines don’t work for long or do a good job of infection blocking during his annual presentation at Davos.

“The vaccines don’t have much in the way of duration, and they’re not good at infection blocking,” admitted Bill Gates to the crowd of globalist elites.

So, what does the vaccine do then? In the last two years, several people have been fired for saying exactly what Gates is now acknowledging. Anyone who has dared to oppose Big Pharma’s shots has been annihilated by the mainstream media and fact checkers. However, it appears that the truth regarding vaccines is beginning to emerge.

Taxpayers in the US and Europe paid billions upon billions of dollars for these vaccines that Bill Gates has just dismissed with a giggle.

Gates isn’t the only one dismissing the vaccines. Pfizer CEO Alert Bourla explained to the World Economic Forum in Davos that there is a 7,000,000,000 dose surplus of his Covid-19 vaccine sitting in warehouses around the world. His reason for this massive over-supply?

According to the Big Pharma boss, there aren’t “enough educated populations that believe the vaccines are doing well.

Meanwhile, can somebody explain what is going on with the Pfizer CEO’s neck? Is he a lizard?

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Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explains to the WEF there’s a surplus of 7,000,000,000 doses of his COVID vaccine sitting in warehouses because there aren’t enough “educated populations that believe the vaccines are doing well..”

Wow! That was a mouthful! People are not stupid

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

“The vaccines don’t have much in the way of duration, and they’re not good at infection blocking.” Bill Gates

Gates speaks from experience… Remember the polio vaccine?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

The polio vaccine was a positive mile marker in vaccines when vaccines were actual vaccines. Now that the definition of vaccine has changed to allow mRNA, my doctor has told me I am not to get even a Flu shot unless he approves it (tested POS for COVID antibodies for going on 2 years) unless my intentions are to commit suicide via mRNA reactions.

2 years ago
Reply to  AI8UT

I would suggest you read “Dissolving Illusions.” What you believe to be true about polio vaccines is not history; it’s a sales pitch.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
2 years ago
Reply to  AI8UT

Indeed, according to French insurance companies, they will not pay out on vax deaths, because they consider that taking this “vaccine” (more correctly, experimental gene therapy) is tantamount to committing suicide! I wouldn’t recommend ANYONE take ANY jabs just at the moment – we’re clearly living in dangerous times.

2 years ago

Everyone of these bastards politicians et al all need to be stood in front of a wall and shot down like the rabid animals they are. All GLOBALISTS are evil and deserve DEATH

2 years ago
Reply to  APB

Indeed, Nuremberg Trials II, as these people have committed crimes against humanity.

2 years ago

what corruption, and they don’t care who they kill

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
2 years ago
Reply to  tootd

Spot on, sadly.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
2 years ago

Wow, these psychos aren’t even bothering to line their stories and comments up now – they’re getting really arrogant, which is a point I predicted they would reach, because they are simply unable to see themselves as others see them! They also routinely underestimate the true intelligence of their populations.

2 years ago

If that image is BG I will eat my hat! Clearly a double.