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BREAKING: Twitter Engineer ADMITS On Hidden Camera That They DID Censor Conservatives And The Company Is ‘Communist As F**K’ [VIDEO]

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Twitter is “commie as “F” according to a senior engineer who doesn’t think the two political parties can exist on one platform. He seems to identify as communist himself to a degree.

Project Veritas secretly filmed the engineer at Twitter spilling the beans on the commie atmosphere at the company and how the social media company doesn’t believe in free speech and does target the right with more censorship.

The Twitter senior engineer, Siru Murugesank, says most leftist employees hate Elon Musk buying the company and that they tried to revolt to stop it. He adds that some say it will be their last day when the deal finally goes through.


Here’s more from Project Veritas:

  • Project Veritas published a new story on Monday night featuring footage of Twitter Senior Engineer, Siru Murugesan, discussing how employees at the tech company “hate” Elon Musk’s impending acquisition of Twitter among several other explosive soundbites.
  • Leaving no doubt to one of the primary sources of the rift between Musk and employees at Twitter, Murugesan at one point says: “Twitter does not believe in free speech… Elon believes in free speech.”
  • Murugesan: “Our jobs are at stake, he’s a capitalist and we weren’t really operating as capitalists, more like very socialist. Like we’re all like commie as f**k.”
  • Murugesan on attempts to prevent the Musk deal: “We did all we could to like revolt against it. A lot of employees were revolting against it.”
  • Murugesan on Twitter offering equal access to both parties: “I don’t know if two parties can truly coexist on one platform.”
  • Murugesan on how Twitter employees are dealing with the changes at Twitter: “They’re like, ‘this would be my last day if it happens…’ a lot has changed. Like, we’re stress eating a lot. Like, we’re all worried for our jobs.”

Their write up is decent, but you should really watch the video for more. Murugesan does admit that there is a bias against the right because so many at Twitter are “left left left left left”.

But on the flip side, he does say that while he’s one of those on the left, he’s ok with Elon buying the company and he’s coming around a little to Elon’s way of thinking regarding free speech.

But from the way Murugesan describes the commie attitudes at Twitter regarding how they operate their business, how they don’t care so much about profit, I think Twitter is in for a rude awakening when the deal with Musk goes through. He’ll have his work cut out for him.



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Janice E Prescott
Janice E Prescott
2 years ago

Good for this guy coming forward. It’s about time somebody unmasked Twitter. I pray Musk does buy it and turns it into an honest place to post.

John A OwenD
John A Owen
2 years ago

He is not unmasking anything! He was secretly recorded!

John A OwenD
John A Owen
2 years ago


2 years ago

All Social Media must be taken down. USA and the world never had the majority of these problems and hate since Facebook, Twitter came on line. As for the Execs of these firms WIPE THEM OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH

2 years ago
Reply to  APB


Ros Feldman
Ros Feldman
2 years ago

Wonder how many other lefty companies work tha way? And how are they still in business? Twitter employees are in for a rude awakening.

2 years ago

Thi si now confirmed what we all know about social medias.Communist propaganda all the way..

John A OwenD
John A Owen
2 years ago
Reply to  Babsan


2 years ago
Reply to  Babsan

And as long as this commie shit is in OUR schools no smart parent should allow their kids to go .

John A OwenD
John A Owen
2 years ago

I don’t want to seem racist but an awful lot of the highest positions in these companies are filled by Indians or Asians. Why is that? Are they smarter than everyone?

2 years ago

Anyone against free speech should be shot !!! And to the elitist. Eat shit and die you commie asshole SUCKERS. This site asked my thoughts here it is as real as the nose on your face.