

Biden ls Forcing US Taxpayers To Pay BILLIONS To Cover Ukrainian Government Salaries And Pensions

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Joe Biden, in one of his fogs of dementia, said on Thursday that he is pledging $1.3 billion more in assistance to Ukraine. This is added to the roughly $2.6 billion previously approved.

The direct economic assistance from U.S. taxpayers to Ukraine is to pay for Ukrainian government salaries, pensions, and other programs.

“The needs of Ukraine are urgent, and we plan to deploy this direct aid to Ukraine as soon as possible to be used on most urgent needs,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said. “We know this is only the beginning of what Ukraine will need to rebuild.”

The needs of Americans are urgent, but Biden could care less. He’s crazy and needs to be removed from office immediately.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed his gratitude to the United States in his nightly address in Ukraine. He said the new aid was “just what we were waiting for.”

Who is Biden to do this? We can’t afford it and our own people need help.

Earlier in a virtual address to the World Bank meeting in Washington, he said his nation will also need up to $7 billion each month to make up for economic losses.

So, are we going to rebuild the country too?

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Last edited 2 years ago by Lisa Crimx
Ed TroyerD
Ed Troyer
2 years ago

‘Biden’ is nothing more than the latest ‘label’ of the Washington Sanhedrin/Kahal that came to power on January 20th, 1981. The khazjeu abomination has insulted America ever since with a series of ‘non presidents’:

1. Cuckold with early stage dementia (Reagan),

2. Pederast-traitor (Bush Sr.),

3. Traitor and bald faced criminal (Clinton),

4. Cuckold and semi retarded homosexual (Bush Jr.),

5. Another useless, mixed race homosexual married to another man, Michael Robinson. Obama’s mom was a coal burning slut. (Barak Obama).

6. I’m still not convinced that DJT isn’t a ‘Judas Goat’ (Donald Trump).

7. No secret that Joe Biden lost his ability to form original thoughts – belongs under supervised and confined medical care (Joe Biden).

The next true American Leader will have to be willing to lead a Civil War that will create a viable/sustainable ‘White Ethnostate’ – nothing less. It will be costly for sure.

Our current khazjeu rulers see their malevolence as ‘classical liberal thought’.

2 years ago

Biden et al must be removed by all means. CONGRESS must SAY NO to any country to pay for their governments funding. ENOUGH ALREADY Where the hell is the EU, UN on giving aide to the Ukraine. ENOUGh
Yo Joe how about you, jill, hunter go to the front lines you cowards

Angry 1D
Angry 1
2 years ago

Why doesn’t the Supreme Court put a halt to Biden sending BILLIONS OF OUR TAX DOLLARS to foreign countries???
BILLIONS for Ukraine when our country is falling apart and we’re dealing with millions of homeless people, no jobs, crime, illegal aliens and our own government shooting cattle and telling farmers to bury their crops????? BILLIONS FOR UKRAINE??? Fck that shit.