

Mitch McConnell Just Vowed To Spend MILLIONS To Protect RINO Lisa Murkowski.. From Trump

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Mitch McConnell has always promised his incumbents that he would support them in their reelection bids and that’s exactly what he’s doing with one of the biggest RINOs in the Senate, Lisa Murkowski.

According to a new report, his Senate PAC is going to spend millions in ads to keep her in that Senate seat:

NEWSMAX – A very expensive battle is shaping up as both major parties seek to capture control of the U.S. Senate in November.

The Senate Leadership Fund (SLF), a GOP super PAC aligned with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is planning to spend $141 million in fall advertisements, Politico reported Monday.

SLF is reserving eight-figure ad flights starting in September to protect Republican seats in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and to grab Democrat-held seats in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada, Politico said.

The PAC also has targeted millions in Alaska to protect incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, from a former President Donald Trump-inspired primary challenge.

It’s no shock that McConnell prefers the more moderate, milktoast Senators to conservatives when it comes to newcomers.

But even with his promise to protect Senate incumbents, RINO Lisa Murkowski is the one really good excuse to break the promise.

Heritage Action rates her lifetime scorecard as a lowly 37% and the average Republican scorecard is 82%.

But even forgetting her scorecard for a moment, what makes Lisa Murkowski so detestable is how she was the lone Republican cloture vote against Kavanaugh when he did absolutely nothing wrong. And of course, she was one of several Republicans to vote for Trump’s impeachment when he did nothing wrong.

Not to mention, both she and Collins want to enshrine Roe v Wade into law, just like all of the baby-murder supporting Democrats.

There is really little to like when it comes to Murkowski and it’s high time for McConnell to break his promise and demand better from Republican incumbents.



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william james russell
2 years ago

Hey it is time for the republicans to get rid of McCarthy and especially McConnell and get new blood in leadership positions. This one reason i will not give to the national republican committee and instead give it local candidates. I just hope these two get unemployed as leadership positions.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Susan Birdsong
2 years ago

Mitch the * itch will always do the wrong stupid thing unless it’s great for his bank account.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Sarah
2 years ago

McConnell is a Chinese communist with his hand in the RNC till, stealing every penny as he colludes with the CCP to destroy the GOP. Everything he does radiates the poisoning of the party and for some ODD reason nobody seems to notice it.
Murkowski is also a communist, votes along Democrat communist party lines and colludes with McConnell’s Chinese wife’s shipping businesses.
McConnell is not protecting Murkowski from Trump, he is protecting her to keep from being blackmailed.
Thus, the RINO Titanic Party attacks Trump and blaming him is a cover-up.
Without President Trump, the MAGA movement still exists.
A third party would whip the RNC into oblivion. The American Patriot Party needs to rise before this November to show McConnell he doesn’t need to work so hard to destroy a party that is already half-dead.
Pray, people for God’s help and His miracles to preserve One Nation Under God on the North American continent.

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

Mitch needs his walking papers! now!