

MTG Just Ripped RINO Romney To Shreds For CAVING On Biden’s Radical Supreme Court Pick — He May NEVER Recover From This Thrashing

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RINO Senator Mitt Romney was just ripped apart by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for caving to the Left and announcing that he will vote to confirm Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Jackson.

Romney tweeted, “I intend to vote in support of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation to be an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. My statement:”

Greene tweeted:

1. Any Senator voting to confirm #KJB is pro-pedophile just like she is.

There are MANY more qualified black women judges, that actually can define what a woman is, but Biden chose the one that protects evil child predators.

And then Romney, Murkowski, and Collins vote for her.

2. Voting for #KJB is support for this disgusting decision from the bench. This is repulsive @MittRomney

3. How would you feel if this was one of your children or grandchildren @MittRomney


4. @MittRomney votes for #KJB after he finds out she made these soft lenient judgements for horrific crimes.

5. At this point, the line is clearly drawn when it comes to voting to confirm #KJB or not.

You are either a Senator that supports child rapists, child pornography, and the most vile child predators.

Or you are a Senator who protects children and votes NO to KJB!

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2 years ago

Well MTG when you are part of the problem and you like what they stand for, you vote for them. He’s might as well have come out and said I like what she stands for because I like what they do to children and women and all young boys. He is announcing himself as one of them. So people who vote for him are voting in a porn king and a pedophile.

2 years ago
Reply to  Granny

“Not all Biden supporters are pedos. But all of them decided that groping kids isn’t a deal breaker.” (unknown)

“Not all Democrats are pedos but 99% of pedos are democrats.” (unknown)

2 years ago

Baloney as to Romney’s even coming close to losing his job. The Utah LDS Grand Pooh-bah will endorse him and probably told him to vote for Jackson; one suspects because he may have secret leanings in her direction. Who knows?
Nothing good has come out of Utah.
Yes, Romney has replaced John McCain, but remember that Utah has never liked the US government and taking it out, replacing it with anything, is not something they object to.
The problem is, Chinese communism, Russian communism, South American communism, and communism around the world crushes every religion except that which worships the government. I hope the LDS Grand Pooh-bah realizes that means the Mormon Church, too.
Pray, people for God’s help and His miracles to preserve One Nation Under God on the North American continent.

John A OwenD
John A Owen
2 years ago

I have watched this garbage collector over several years and it seems the Republicans can’t get rid of this treacherous dog of a thing! He is not the only RINO in their ranks!

2 years ago
Reply to  John A Owen

They are democrats masquerading as Republicans to win an election in a red state to support the democrat majority.

2 years ago
Reply to  NightWisp

I hope it doesn’t come to this but I am waiting for some patriots to remind the population, by example, why it was/is important to keep and uphold the 2A.

2 years ago
Reply to  mianki

Google pay 97$ per hour my last pay check was $8500 working 1o hours a week online. My younger brother friend has been averaging 12k for months now and he works about 22 hours a week. I cant believe how easy it was once I tried it outit..


Last edited 2 years ago by Faith87
2 years ago

The question is… Are they being blackmailed or bribed to support this unqualified person who avoids direct answers to questions?

2 years ago
Reply to  NightWisp

Yes and Yes. It just seems obvious to me. I have no proof though. As with most folk all we have is circumstantial evidence at best.

Democrats: We want a woman (of colour) on the bench.
The Rest of Us: OK. Fine. Define ‘woman’.
Dems: We are not biologists. (thought bubble; But we are a bought and paid for tool of the NWO)

Buck O'Fama
Buck O'Fama
2 years ago

Mittens AND his daughter Ronna are BOTH turncoats.

2 years ago

MTG has her head on straight. The pedo left must not continue their reign of terror on children.

2 years ago

Romney is a piece of shyt as is Collins and the Alaskan piece of ugly and traitors to the party, they are scum !!!!

Phil CruzD
Phil Cruz
2 years ago

Well, at least we now have confirmation of who the baby-rapers in congress are.