

Heartbreaking Video: Mother Scolds Fairfax School Board Over Anti-White Education: “My Son Robert Took His Life Because He Thought All Of The Oppression Was His Fault”

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Last night a mother stood before Fairfax County’s school board and told them that her son Robert committed suicide because he was taught that black oppression was his fault.

She told them that he was not responsible for everyone’s problems and that his life mattered.


Here’s what this mother said in full:

My son Robert took his life because he thought that all of the oppression was his fault. There were times he felt excluded because he had to use electives for speech therapy. His expressive language would be even worse while wearing a mask. You need to be inclusive to every student. Be inclusive to those with special needs or not. Be inclusive to those who are masked or unmasked, vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Every race, every life, every student matters.

No one wants you to stop teaching black history but, please, do not do it in a way that makes his life worth any less. My son was not responsible for everyone’s problems. His success does not mean anyone else had to fail! His life mattered; he was important and valued. His emotional disability led him to the conclusion that any success he had, he did not deserve. Robert deserves more. Rest in peace.

Such a horrible outcome and we should all pray for Robert’s soul.

But I guarantee you these leftists don’t care. They’ll continue to teach this white guilt garbage and just blame his suicide on his emotional disability. That’s just the kind of cold, heartless educators they are and I haven’t seen any evidence in the last year that would make me feel any different about them.



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Mr Reynard
Mr Reynard
2 years ago

If that was my son ?? I would go & have a robust conversation with the school-board & send them to apologise to my son, with the help of a Colt AR15 …

2 years ago

Hate to say it, but leftists secretly (and some not so secretly) rejoice over things like this. In fact they have been openly caught saying so.

2 years ago

Don’t be a slave to (their) AGENDA… We don’t owe blacks anything. And don’t be conned into believing you should be ashamed to be white…

Tom Clark
Tom Clark
2 years ago

Slavery was everywhere. It was an inherited institution. In the African slave wars, a man could begin the battle a free person and if defeated find himself a slave. A person born to slave parents knew no other life.

The African Slave Trade— African Kings sold to Muslims,
Muslims to Jewish buyers. European Whites fought hard against the
Kings of Africa and the powerful Jewish lobby to end the practice.
Jews are not White; Whites were not behind the African Slave trade.
That is an historical lie.

There were millions of White slaves, being sold at this time.
Slavery was practiced by Africans and Arabs in Africa long before the Jewish merchants got involved. In other words, the origin of black slaves were black slave traders. At the time the black Kingdom of Dahomey and the other blacks with whom King Dahomey engaged in slave wars did not consider slavery wrong… neither did the Arabs who for centuries had raided European coastal towns for White slaves.
America’s first slave owner was a black man, and by 1830 over 3,775 black
families owned black slaves. These are just a couple of examples of what is
missing from our history books.

…there’s a lot missing from our history books, especially the truth.

Slaves were brought to the US not because of racism but for economic motives.
Men, both black and White were sold into servitude for salt, gold, wine and other goods. Secondly, African slaves were not even the first to be brought to American shores.

The peoples of Eastern Europe known as The Slavs, which is where the word slave is derived from, arrived some time before African slaves. In fact, when African Slaves did arrive they were treated better and were worth far more than the White slaves. Africans that had been freed from servitude had actually been able to own these white slaves as well.

Everything we’re taught in public school is a lie…history is twisted to fit identity politics.
Technically her son was murdered by propaganda.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tom Clark
2 years ago

Don’t worry sweet Mama, God will get justice for your precious son! These people will have to stand before him someday and judged for their actions!

2 years ago
Reply to  Elaine

lol then tell us all why this “god” allowed it to happen?

2 years ago

sounds like BS.

Don Miller
Don Miller
2 years ago

And The Boards Response? NEXT…

2 years ago

Sorry to say that if someone takes their life over some materials being taught in school, they are borderline to committing suicide anyway. There should have been signs before the actual deed was done. The school just helped the situation along and sped up the process. It’s a sad state of affairs when instead of teaching kids to read, write, and about our history all they can do is teach them how terrible they are. Because as we have all seen, our kids aren’t getting any smarter.

Last edited 2 years ago by johninnil
Studio Joe
Studio Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  johninnil

Attaboy johninnil, blame the victim. Yes sir, johnny boy’s a straight shooter. lol.